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Update on my niece- older BF- OT blog

zerostepdrama's picture

My niece kept avoiding me.

So I finally told my sister what I knew yesterday.

She had a talk with her. Confirmed BF is 35. Confirmed she did cheat. Confirmed that her and BF broke up and he has been kind of stalking her.

I guess one night last week he was outside her house waiting for her to come home. He was drunk. She just drove to gas station instead and called a friend who called ExBF and talked him into leaving.

He called her phone 50 times in a row and sent lots of texts.

My sister is going to be keeping an extra eye on the situation.

My niece is very mature in some ways (cant really relate to kids her own age, very smart) but in other way VERY immature. She can not handle a BF old enough to be her dad, now stalking her or showing this kind of behavior.

My sister is dissapointed that she has lied about his age and other stuff.

I am just glad that they are now aware.

Oh and BF defriended me from FB. Not that I care, but it made me wonder why... is it because they broke up or that he was posting stuff he didnt want me to see??? regarding my niece or just his stability.
