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How to deal with DH's sister's struggles with me?

Disillusioned's picture

Recently we were at another of DH's family events (celebrating birthdays including DH's sister) She was of course at her worst once again

Much of it is completely predictable and I expect for example that she won't so much as say hello, would be rude to me the entire time, I even figured she would bring her own food once she learned that DH & I (me) would be bringing the main dish for lunch etc...

And sure enough, all of the above happened. She and FIL arrived late and when DH's sister walked into the kitchen where we were all gathered she made sure to say hello to her 'family' (everyone pretty much but me) completely ignoring my presence there

Regardless I said "Happy Birthday SIL" when she rudely walked right up to where I was standing, and said a big hello to YSGS who I was holding (this kid constantly wants me to pick him up whole other post) but all the while DH's sister while making a fuss of YSGS did not so much as acknowledge me

When I politely and audibly said a pleasant Happy Birthday to her, I was greeted with silence. A long and uncomfortable silence, and only after that did she - while not so much as look at me but looking in a completely different direction - mumble a thank you

And yes, even though the food we brought - which DH can have and everyone including his sister absolutely love to eat - was exactly something DH's sister would love to have, she made sure to bring her own food for SSIL to cook instead...and then when DH innocently asked her why she did that after a long pause where she seemed unable to come up with an answer, she exploded on him about "everyone has their problems DH!" :?

Yes I sure do agree with her there LOL

Although it's easy to be upset with her, for her awful treatment of us, a part of me does feel sorry for her.

I do understand where DH's sister is coming from

I have also been in a similar position.

Not one of my brother's wives - I've always gotten along really well with all of them - but a friend of one of my sister's whose relationship with my sister did trigger some hurt/anger/jealously in me. Even humiliation at times, feeling like this person meant more to my sibling than I, who I've always been so close to

Like DH's sister, I can see how easy it could have been for me to simply ignore my sister's friend any time I was at my sisters and this friend was there. I never felt comfortable when this friend was around

Thanks to the nasty treatment I receive from DH's sister, and knowing it all stems from jealousy and competitiveness, I vowed never to behave that same way myself!

Instead, I tried to treat this friend much the same way my YSD treats me. I'm polite to her, respectful, and tolerant.....and part of me knows that my real disappointment and anger really is with my sister, and her friend although easy to target as I felt that friend replaced my relationship 'status' the friend should not be the target, nor I wondered if I had the right to feel any anger at that situation at all

As my DH once said, concerning his daughter's jealously towards my relationship with DH "you love who you love" and regardless of how jealous and insecure others may be, the best you can do in that position is try not to rub it in, but feeling guilty about who you love 'best', not so sure anyone has the right to dictate that!

When it's all said and done, although I would love to just write DH's sister off as a jealous loser who is not worth my time, I do know where all her behaviour stems from, and feel bad for her that she has never gotten past it, never been able to see things the way I do with my sister's friend for example, or to suck it up and behave more like her niece - YSD

Had I behaved towards my sister's friend the way DH's sister treats me, I think I would have felt more than a little stupid for acting in such an insecure, competitive way to someone, simply because of the relationship they have with someone I felt I should have been more important to.

Not to mention, my sister's friend would have most definitely had the satisfaction of knowing that I felt inferior to her, that I was jealous and insecure about her. And who wants someone to have that on you?

I think DH's sister feels from time to time that I have that on her. That I can see her jealousy and competitiveness. Sometimes she does all this crap, then seems to settle down and act normally somewhat after, almost overcompensating forced 'niceness' - as if even she is embarrassed by her own childishness.

It must be hard for her. I wish there was some way even I could help her through it. But I can't really. Other than to always try not to 'rub things in'. To act with class and maturity. What else can you do? I keep my distance as I know how she feels, but I still try to always act with decency and not let other's problems become my own

Rags's picture

My thoughts on this are due to my relationship with my brother after he married. A little background. Our family was always mom, dad, me, and my two younger brothers. The youngest passed away when he was 10mos old and my surviving brother was 2yo. I was 8yo when the baby died.

We always lived internationally and would visit extended family for part of our summer vacation.

That is how my brother and I were raised. My adult interpretation of family is that the family expands to include the spouses and kids of my brother and I.

My brother went a different direction with his adult interpretation. He went insular and felt that he would duplicate the exact model our parents followed. For my brother the family was his wife and their kids... period. For many, many years.

This caused significant estrangement between my brother and I for a number of years after we finished university. He pretty much ignored me and would seemingly go out of his way to avoid my family and I. On the few occasions that we could discuss it he expounded on how his wife had told him that he either complied with her demands regarding family or she would take his (3) kids and leave. My response was to divorce her ass, drag her ass through the courts and destroy her, and protect his children from their bat-shit crazy mother.

I think my .. as he calls it... "kick her in the ass" philosophy was not particularly comforting or supportive of his situation. In hind sight... I agree with him. Had I been more sensitive to his pain and frustration we likely could have avoided much of our estrangement.

I regret not having been more sensitive to his situation. That likely would have been a better way to go.

This whole estrangement was heartbreaking for me and for our mom and dad. Though they were engaged far more than I was by my brother... they were significantly marginalized. My mom and dad have both tried very hard to bond with my SIL. To little avail. My bride and parents on the other hand.... are extremely close. In fact they refer to her as their daughter and only occasionally is it clarified that she is my wife.

Interestingly... my brother has been on the verge of divorce several times over the years and mom, dad, and I suspect that as soon as his youngest hits 18 that the clock will start winding down very quickly to he and my SIL splitting up. My brother is extremely successful and would be on the hook for multiple 5figures if not six figures in annual CS in the event of a divorce. He has no problem with splitting the blanket with his wife but he refuses to reward her for being nucking futz or abandon his children to her as the CP. So me makes sure he is present and the primary parent. He always has been.

My brother and I agreed when we both married about 10 mos apart that neither of us had selected a mate that the other would have selected for their brother. In the intervening two + decades he has become a huge fan of my bride and far less of a fan of his own. Mom and dad are life partners as are my wife and I. My baby bro and his bride are not life partners. He has 4 kids to parent as my SIL has not progressed much past her mid to late teens in maturity or accomplishment and her accomplishments even for a teen would be from stellar. Their youngest is 15 and a freshman in HS. The other two are in college with the eldest due to graduate in June and their middle child is due to graduate in 2019.

I want my brother to be happy. I am hoping that once his relationship with his three children jhas progressed to being one between a father and 3 adult children that he can gain his freedom and move on to be happy or even better, my SIL will step up and actually be the partner that he should have.

I think that your recent epiphany is a good one to discuss with your DH and try to establish a new normal in dealing with his sister. If it works great... if SIL fails to engage reasonably then that is on her and if that happens... write her off.

I would never write off my brother. He is an amazing many. My SIL on the other hand... meh

foreverred's picture

I think you've answered your own question, you know where the resentment might come from. The thing that you must understand is that you can't change the way how someone sees you. You can only treat them with respect, expect nothing in return and don't get offended when they are acting like a-holes. If you have any anger towards your DH sister, then that is your problem not hers or your DH's. Because anger stems from other people not acting the way we want them to, change your perspective and see that this is a normal behavior that is expected and you will not be troubled by your DH's sister.

Disillusioned's picture

Wow thank you for sharing all of that Rags! I feel so bad about the situation with your brother...glad you will never write him off either! That is a shame about your SIL....I will never understand how some people think but, in the case of my own SIL I guess the good news is I do understand where she's coming from. I don't like her reaction, but I get it. And you're right, all we can do is try to help but if they doesn't want that, yes its on them

Disillusioned's picture

Interesting insights forever....yes it will help to remind myself why she is acting this way. Does it anger me any longer? Nah. Not just because I understand how she is thinking and feeling, not to mention feel bad for her. But also her behavior is so very predictable now that it doesn't really faze me at all. It's old. It's boring sadly. But my head is totally around how she will behave at any given event, so when she does exactly as I expected it really doesn't have much of an effect any longer

With that said, I have given a lot of thought as to how sad that is really for her. She makes herself so miserable stomping around glaring and scowling, not speaking to persons who are kind to her, or responding rudely to their politeness. And then later yes I think she feels bad/embarrassed, and tries to make an effort when she sees that the only reaction it got from us is to withdraw from her

I don't believe in rewarding the bad behavior with kissing up to her after she has been rude or hostile, etc.., but as you say, knowing where it comes from and expecting it, certainly does take a lot of the anger away for me!