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wichitanewstepmom's Blog

Relationships with EXs

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Just want some advice on if you guys think creating a relationship with the BM is healthy, and if my fiance should create one with BM's new BF?

I recently reached out to BM and talked her her about coparenting (she is having a hard time creating a relationship with her daughter) I wanted her to know I support that relationship and I'm here to help in anyway. She reacted great, thanking me and telling me she is happy her daughter has me in her life. The next day BM's BF reached out to my fiance to talk about what he can do.


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I am recently trying to start merging families. My fiance and his daughter are EXTREMLY close. Her opinon of me matters so much to him that it effects our relationship. I need advice on how to slowly merge our families together and not feel jealous of their relationship and try to welcome her as one of my own.