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Further evidence that BM is a crazy person, and that DH is a sweet man

wheretogofromhere's picture

Saturday night, BM sent a picture to both DH and I of the skids out at dinner. We both responded how adorable they are and that it looks like they're having fun. A few minutes later, DH picks up his phone and says "why would she feel like this is appropriate to send me?" and shows me a picture that she sent to him (leaving me off of this one!) of the skids, herself, her son from a previous relationship, and her niece.

The first picture was fine, we like getting pictures from her of the skids periodically just to know they're ok...but we found the second picture to be completely weird on many levels:

1) SHE was in it, with a disgusting s**t eating grin on her face. DH pointed out how much she looked like an oompa loompa, which I don't disagree

2) Her son from a previous marriage, who DH never particularly got along with even when they were married was in it.

3) And here's the big one...BM's niece, a complete little b**ch and all around horrible influence on the skids, was in it. Let us not forget that this is the same little girl who, during their divorce and custody battle, BM convinced to accuse DH of molesting her in hopes that it would ruin his chances of having ANY visitation with his children. The claims were complete and utter b.s. and were thrown out, but something like that could've done MAJOR damage if BM wasn't so ridiculous and obvious in her lies.

He replied back to the photo saying "Thanks for sending us a picture of SD8 and SS6, but in the future please don't send me pictures of yourself or your other family members. It's inappropriate and I don't see a reason for it."

BM replied and said "God sorry for bothering you...thought you might like to see your old family but guess not!"

DH replied "You, your son, and your niece are not my family. Feel free to send as many pictures of our children as you'd like, just leave other people out of them. Have a good night."

From there, BM sent a barrage of nasty texts, accusing him of not caring about his kids and wanting to completely forget their life together. DH ended up shutting off his phone and not sending anymore messages because based on her past behavior, she'd carry on a text fight for hours just out of sheer boredom and a need for attention.

The next morning, DH asked me if I felt he overreacted, and I told him I no of course not. Aside from all of the reasons I mentioned above, he said it mainly bothered him because he felt she sent the photo as a sign of disrespect to me. This woman has done and said numerous things throughout the years out of pure jealousy for me, and at this point I've grown immune to it. Once again, she's proven herself to be a complete whack job, and DH has proven himself to be the lovely protective man I fell in love with. He really does make it worth the drama of BM and skids.


RedWingsFan's picture

Holy Hell she's a loon!!!!!!!!!!! Good for your DH for standing up and taking control of the situation. Smile

MommytoAandT85's picture

I so agree with you. My husband doesn't see how her including her picture is inappropriate and disrespectful to me. Or how including her other son (not his) is not appropriate either.

bi's picture

my ex acts like these crazy bm's! or at least he did until i threatened trespassing charges on him as well as a bullet or bb in the ass if he didn't leave me the F alone and stop showing up at my home all the time. he used to tell people long after we were divorced that i was his "wife". :? he told me, came right out said straight to my face that he KNOWS i will always love him because we have a child together. :? nevermind that he has never had anything to do with that child, i have to love him anyway cuz he donated sperm. he would tell me that i would never find anyone who would love me as much as he did, and he just knew i would want him back someday. i sure hope i never find anyone like him again! just crazy. can't accept that i don't want him right down to trying to TELL me that i love him! who does some shit like that? i can't imagine telling someone who is repulsed by me that i KNOW they really love me. :? :O

emotionaly beat up's picture

Oh Wow! Wanna swap husbands. Your husband sounds like he really has his act together. You two have every chance in the world of a long and happy life together. Well Done, and Congratulations.

MommytoAandT85's picture

I wish my husband felt the same way yours does. His BM tries to send pics of her. ANd texts him all the time. If he doesn't text back, she calls his mom and says that it's important. When he calls or texts back it is never anything. One time it was because she wanted to know when HER lawyer was going to send the dna results so she could get child support. Another time she called to ask about MY children and him and me to see how we were doing. When he asked about his son all she said was he's good and tried to go into a conversation with him, again about me and my children. Inappropriate, right? But he doesn't get that if he doesn't say anything that she won't just stop the ridiculous. He has two Bms btw. SO the other one actually had the nerve to call up my childs grandparents and say that I had to be cheating on my husband because my son was born way too early to be his. All of this DURING my c-section when we didn't know if either of us was going to make it. But the pyscho didnt mention I was in the hospital for an emergency c-section because by son was 2 months early because I had a placental abruption.

oneoffour's picture

I am impressed he knew how to turn off his phone! Surely he can put a tutorial on how to do this mysterious task on Youtube?

He did very well. Amazingly well. He let his class act overcome his macho. So many exes get into a pissing match. He cut her off at the knees. He is a keeper!

csjuly2012's picture

BM and I always trade pictures of the children when we take them on vacation or when she does. My pictures to the BM are ONLY of the kids never even my daughter in them but when she sends back pics it's mostly of her on the beach or dancing etc. I do not understand why they need the attention so badly! Good for your husband for putting her in place! Wish mine would