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I just want to run screaming for the hills!!

vgill's picture

To start my week, my younger ss just came home from a weekend at BM house, and he is in such a fould , selfish,jelous,and petty mood he reminds me of his BM and he will be turning 12 in10 days then he can go live with his BM (FINALLY) sorry but the kid drives me nuts, I love him, but I just want to drop him off on the side of the road somewhere sometimes!! now there is no school on Teusday or Wednesday so BM want's us to take other ss14 because she doesn't want him at home because she will be at work!! HELLO, we will be at work too!! All this streesses me out, because both of my SS's are disrespectful, foul mouthed,selfish,and they make so much mess and create so much chaos in our home, I just don't know what to do!!??? HELP ME!!!! I know I am a good mother, we have 4 other children and I treat them all the same ALL of them but my SS's all the give me is hatred and disrespect! I just feel like giving up!!!!!


SmileForMe's picture

Take deep breath honey...I know what you mean about wanting to drop him off on the side of the road. I get that way with my own son all the time. Boys are just really frustrating. Selfishness seems to be a common kid attribute so I wouldn't be too concerned with that part. The disrespect obviously has to stop though and unfortunately I really have no clue what advise on that topic.

So if you take SS14 and let him stay at your house while he's not at school, will SS12 be there as well? I think the fairest way would be to have one of them at your house and one of them at her house. Plus they'll be less likely to cause trouble separately than if they were in the same house all day together.

"Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it." *Anais Nin*