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Still Surviving

Vanessa68's picture

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all well, I am hanging in there…..Doing fabulously well at moments and then crash!!!

I changed my house number yesterday, they did it for free Smile

Anyway, I want to call his house and cell, to see if he changed his numbers, maybe he only answered those texts that one day because it wasn't changed yet.
But what if I call and it is changed…barf..barf… I am not a horrible person, I wouldn't stalk…
Bu the spiral finding out if it was changed…OMG…

It has been 25 days… I can't wait till the end of the month…. so I can flip the dam calendar and stop looking at the date, I last saw him


ChiefGrownup's picture

Vanessa, give yourself a ritual. Find a picture of him or a gift he gave you. Make up some ceremonial words. Include a lot of concepts about you being a worthwhile woman who deserves being treated with dignity and kindness. Then with a flourish burn the photo or sentimental item. Then make up some ritualized statement of rising from the ashes and beginning a fresh new self, that man is now carbonized in your life, he cannot be called back to life as a personage in your present and your future. You are free to fly now.

Use some words that will work for you. You will surprised at how much better you will feel.

DarkStar's picture

I find that a good sage burning makes me feel better AND makes the house smell great!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

THERE is a really good website and book I go to a lot when I feel weak regarding the ex. and her book is the Chumplady guide to surviving infidelity.