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Is it normal?

tyrannt's picture

I mean really, seems to be a common thread these days of kids lying and manipulating their bio parents.

I used to have a wonderful life. My H and I used to get along great, the kids used to be fabulous and full of fun when they were little. Now, my life is completely turned around, the kids are defiant, and my H is not the same man I married, and is constantly manipulated by his precious angels who can do no wrong.

I'm reading many posts here and I feel I'm in the same boat as many of you. I am really beginning to resent my stepkids, who used to be great, happy, jolly, spirited little people. Now, they are manipulative, indirect attention seekers and exaggerate greatly to get pity and sympathy from their bio parents. I'm so FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


KeeKee's picture

all kids try to lie and manipulate their parents to get what they want....what isn't normal is the parents allowing it to continue and not enforcing consequences for actions. This lack of action can be due to laziness, guilt, fear, ignorance or any combination of the four. It is not all the stepkids (or our own biokids) faults but they do get to be of an age where they should know right from wrong and are therefore responsible for their own behaviour.

KeeKee's picture

but I think that by age 11 you should be able to figure out right from wrong ( if you don't get that info from your parents, then you should be able to deduce it from the interactions you have had in society for those years). These children cannot blame the way they are on their parents forever. At some point, they are exercising their own free will and those are the decisions for which they should be held responsible.