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accounts and dna drama update.

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So my new account wasn't posting so I signed into my old account. Which is this one. Anyway I posted yesterday SO wants a DNA test for child10. Bm put up a stink got her family involved and threatened totell child 10 about tthe test. Now the kid has blocked so from her Facebook and they live across the country so essentially cut off contact. Is it me or is it messed to have told this kid about this??

Need to Vent!

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First: SO, my mother, and I went to SD10 beauty pageant. At pageant she was asked whats your favorite thing to do? her response as her father is sitting in the audience with a dozen roses for her: fishing with my step father. It was public and it was meant to embarrass and hurt...I believe at least. A couple days later SO asks her did your mother help you with your question she says no. then he says you know that hurt my feelings and she goes I know. that's it no apology no nothing but "i know". then SD10 goes home and tells her mother about that.

Little Brats! **warning im swearing bc im ticked!!!!*

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Skids are such little rotten monsters IDK how i will every handle them.

SS8- does everything he KNOWS hes not supposed to tell him not to "i didnt!" grr his little things are just an added annoyance to SD6

SD6- I HATE that little bitch brat! Tell her no and she has a full out temper tantrum crying throwing herself on the floor. im so sick of listening to her wining. she thinks that when its time to go home from the beach its okay for her to say "no!" she thinks she runs the show. Embarassing!

People Suck

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just went to store with SO and old neighbor (from when SO lived with EX) saw him at store talking about how nice his family was (talking about ex and skids) and how nice the dog they have is. Ugh. just another day in the life. I dont know why i ever agreed to be in this kind of situation sometimes. If i had to choose again i probably wouldnt do it.

I HATE my skids BM

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I hate her I really do. I see her and my blood boils. The hell that she has put SO and myself through. Going through custody now its terrible. She is such a shitty mother, always dropping her kids off to her mothers, where skids are allowed to do whatever they want (eat chocolate for breakfast, watch TV all day etc etc etc). How much are SO and I supposed to take. Its really exhausting to deal with all of her bullshit. The stunts she pulls are unreal. Just when you think she has done the worst that she can do she pulls another jaw dropping stunt.

love skids?

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SO told me i should love skids because i love him and they are a piece of him. Um sorry I dont love them. I care about them dont want to see anything bad happen to them. I also want them to have a good relationship with their father. But love