SD is creating problems in our house
I am the SM to an 11 year girl who I use to adore and now I can't stand to be around her. I want to feel love and affection for her but her disrepect for her father and I and our home drives me crazy. Everytime she is to come over my anxiety sky rockets. She basically comes over and disrupts the whole household by lying, yelling, throwing tantrums, kicking/slamming doors, etc. The other 2 children are now being affected by her behavior. I am so frustrated and tired of the arguing, I feel I have lost control of my house. What can I do? Her mother is just as bad and I try to say its a learned behavior, because her mother does alot of the things I see in her. I want control back of my house and just dont know what to do.....
- [email protected]'s blog
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Lay down the law and hard.
Lay down the law and hard. Make it very clear if she cannot act according to your rules she will not be welcome.