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Ok maybe it was alittle crazy of me...

tootie25's picture

DH has been getting numerous blank emails from his exes old email with her married name which is literally her [email protected]. She's since remarried and her name has changed. He calls her and asks her to quit emailing him, she laughs. He asks why still use that email and doesn't her husband care? she says he doesn't and hangs up. Whatever. Well I see her add my ex on FB whom I had an absolute horrible breakup with. I mean horrble breakup. And the only reason she would even add him is to talk about me. So anyways I had been hearing about her emailing family friends talking bad about me and my husband so I hacked her email. F her. yes i did it. And what do I find? ALLLLLL kinds of stuff about me and lies and more lies about me and DH. For real? move on. They are both remarried and she's the only one that hasn't moved on. Then pretends to be so in love with her husband. UGH. One email to my ex on FB was talking about she worried that I will neglect her son and that I will abuse him?! My ex agreed. Of course. Are you kidding me? She had sex with NUMEROUS men while being married to my husband, during the divorce, and after hence the baby she had 10 months after the divorce was final. She admit to this in one email and then has the audacity to say she was walking with GOD the whole time?! shes delusional. She talks about the state of my house and how its unfit for her child to be visiting there. LOL. for real? I shaved my long haired dog because I would freak out about the hair shedding. Clearly I LOVED living in filthy. Stupid B*tch. Esp pisses me off because my DH has pictures of their marital home and their is dirty underwear and tampons all over the bathroom floor, dishes covering the entire counter and dirty diapers placed all over the house. I finally read enough. Email password changed and account deactivated- same for FB. Oops.
Rant over.


stormabruin's picture

Oops! LOL!

Was there anything in her email that her now husband would find of interest? Perhaps he's unaware that she's befriending your ex?

It'd be a shame for something to show up in his inbox from her email...oops! }:)

tootie25's picture

Oh he's aware. When my husband and I first got together she would send texts to him saying she didnt love her new husband- that she missed him. When she lays in bed with her new husband she is thinking of my husband. My husband would forward them to her new husbnd and he's still with her. so maybe he's just as crazy as she is.