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Most Wonderful Expert Girhippo!

thinkthrice's picture

Not only does the Girhippo have PASinator extraordinaire on her resume, she plays psychologist and counselor to all mostly to reinforce her image as pillar of the community.

One of the feral's 2nd cousins,  despite having a much harder life than the ferals themselves,  posted on social media about how hard it is to get along with people that you need to stay connected to ( I'm assuming she's referring to family members)  And whether or not she should blow them off or tell them off yada yada.  It should be noted that the Gir supported 2nd cousin's BM in HER PAS campaign against their biodad (Chef's nephew) when they were younger. 

 This particular 2nd cousin has had problems with drugs and having kids with dysfunctional guys.

  Of course the Girhippo chimes in with her boiler plate counseling talk track:  "I'm glad you're starting these conversations; definitely don't hold feelings in, You have a right to feel hurt and angry and have a plan to get them out in a healthy way; don't let anyone tell you how to feel.  And if you need help, ask or seek out formal or informal (friend, family) counseling."  

 It was plain to see by the post that the Girhippo had no idea who the 2nd cousin was referring to other than possibly her biodad or maybe the father of HER children.

The Gir is still desperate to keep up her image of being MOTY and all around wonderful, all-American soccer mom, girl-next-door, strong independent woman (with the help of massive CS and sugar daddy husband), single mom who rose from the ashes of divorce like a phoenix.


Ispofacto's picture

Satan does this.  It's purely to bring sympathy to herself. She learned a bit of lingo in counseling.  She commiserates with abuse victims.  She wants people to assume she was a victim of domestic violence.  She was not.