Poor StepDaddyBigBucks--Seems He's Just An ATM Afterall
SDBB had his birthday this week. Absolutely ZERO greetings from his wife, the Girhippo, nor any of his wonderful skids (OSS, 19, SD, 17 or YSS 13)
Nothing. Radio Silence.
He got a lot of greetings from HIS family--they must feel bad for him! Although one of the Gir's aunts wrote in and called him a "good family man."
Frankly I don't know HOW he does it. The Gir and Chef's kids are nothing but ferals. He's probably happy the oldest one moved out, but he was the lesser of three evils. SD and YSS are the biggest ferals this side of wolf mange county. Truancy, failing grades, drugs and all around brattiness whilst mommykins (the Girhippo) looks the other way and makes excuses for her "angels."
He must be on mega meds is all I have to say. He's actually a nice looking guy but his grey hair has uber accelerated over the past six years and for good reason.
- thinkthrice's blog
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You have no idea what went on
You have no idea what went on in their home. While you were checking his social media, he could have been enjoying his day with his wife and her kids.
I'm sure that means more to him than a public shout out on social media.
@tommar and disneyfan
@tommar and disneyfan "methinks thou doth protest too much"
Seems right around 9 a.m. EST the BMs of the forum wake up here.
Anyway, I was pointing out the decline of greetings from his one time adoring skids and MOTY wife the Girhippo from earlier years.
The Gir and skids do EVERYTHING on social media and wish HBD2U to everyone they know on social media as a rule.
I think I'll run off with SDBB and the Gir and Chef can get back together again. (said for shock value)
This BM has been up since
This BM has been up since 6:00am.
Got you beat by an hour! LOL
Got you beat by an hour! LOL
We're still on winter break.
We're still on winter break. I'll start getting up with tbe chickens again on Monday.
I get up at 4:21am and start
I get up at 4:21am and start work at 6am. Yes, it's a strange time. I have a thing about numbers.
It's 9:33 (that's for you
It's 9:33 (that's for you Aniki) and am just now having my first cup of coffee.
I do not miss those 4:45 am work mornings. Every night when I went to bed I would calculate how many hours of sleep I would get, and it was never enough. Especially if I'd closed down the bars at 2 am
(I was young then.)
But I have already deep cleaned my kitchen and done a load of clothes. And packed away a couple of boxes of Christmas stuff. But I'm still in my cute Christmas jammies.
I need coffee
I need coffee
I do, too. I have recently
I do, too. I have recently switched to more tea, less coffee.
F&ck that - I want coffee. Coffee coffee coffee coffee!!!
I love tea. This is my
I love tea. This is my favorite place to get tea http://www.uptontea.com/shopcart/home.asp
I like it better than Adagio, Teavana or even the local places. I used to buy tea when I went to London and ration it out until my next trip (I traveled for work). Now I can get good tea all the time.
Mmmm- I will have to check it
Mmmm- I will have to check it out. Thanks for the link!!
I love cold green tea. And
I love cold green tea. And the passion tea ice cold is great to. I also drink a dandelion tea. Cleans your liver. All that wine from step life needs to be washed out.