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Good Thing I Didn't Have Waterford Crystal

thinkthrice's picture

Now that I have taken over the kitchen I am seeing a lot of fall out.  Of course it would have been MUCH worse had the ferals not PASed out when they did.   

As I reorganized alphabetically my spice drawer, I go to look for my, granted knockoff,  Le Creuset dutch oven and there are CHIPS in the enamel, obviously from abuse.   Fortunately I found a real one on Craigslist so we will still be having etouffee tonight.  

I wonder how many more surprises there will be?  


AlmostGone834's picture

Yes, when Little Idiot lived with us, I honestly thought our house wouldn't survive. I'm still mad about the destruction she caused

Elea's picture

One of the things I am struggling with right now is how filthy SD is. When she washes a dish it it still greasy and dirty. She leaves crumbs all over the countertop and she leaves the sink strewn with her food scraps. I know maybe my cleanliness comfort level is higher than some so I try to let it go. I know DH doesn't want to hear about it. I just can't wait for her to LEAVE. 
She also likes to slam doors. I asked DH "What do you think would happen if you asked her to shut the doors more gently." His response, "She is leaving in 2 days." I said, I know but just hypothetically? He ignored me.

Cover1W's picture

I had to remove and hide all my wooden utensils and my porcelain knives. They'd be used, left dirty in the bottom of the sinks, often underneath other dishes and pots soaking in water. All but one of my knives were ruined. One of the wooden spatulas split. Some wooden items were my grandmother's and quite old and good quality. DH was also a culprit.

They are back out for use now, but for the knife which is where I can get to it but no one else knows.

Some other good things are still put away mostly due to DH. When we downsize I'll likely use them instead of the crappy things we have now....

Elea's picture

Lol, SM's have so many universal experiences. I actually went over good knife care the day SD's arrived for their overextended stay. I brought it up in front of DH so there were no miscommunications. I also have a written card posted on the knife holder about proper knife care, drying and putting away, etc. My BK's have all been taught but Sd's BM taught them nothing. 

Cover1W's picture

I watch my cast iron closely and have given care lessons about various kitchenware to Everyone and it goes in one ear and out the other. I do take care of the knives myself because I gave that up and I want them sharp. Everything else is mostly cheap stuff (but the cast iron) that I don't care about.

lala-land's picture

For many of the posters on this site "The skids have been taught nothing" is a major cause of many of the problems.  The only thing they have learned is...Looking after themselves or having any responsibilities seems to be someone else's job. 

CajunMom's picture

I love to cook and I have good cookware, knives, cutting boards, etc. When they were still coming here, DHs kids were not allowed in my kitchen. No one is really. LOL (I'm not that bad but like you, I love my "stuff."). DH pulled our Fifth Wheel up to ClanLand when his kids were visiting. My beautiful wood cutting board (gift from my daughter imprinted with our names) was burned, my drain board was in the other sink and my dishes had been partially reorganized. Several things were broken.  On there most recent visit, DH mentioned about bringing our RV back up. I told him to keep them OUT of my kitchen. So, that would have meant he was cooking...and he does not like to cook. He opted out. Just crazy how these people have such a lack of respect for other's stuff.

And YUMMY on the etouffee. I made crawfish etouffee 2 nights ago! 

thinkthrice's picture

Le Creuset dutch oven on craigslist and raced right out to get it.  The real deal!

How about skids throwing out cutlery?  The ferals used to do this all the time as they were used to eating with throw away items (Girhippo laziness).

halo1998's picture

by breaking it, abusing it, etc.  I have some steak knives missing because either SD or GWR (SS) threw them away. Cause you know they were on the plate when they scraped them off into the trash.

I have had dished broken, chipped etc from the Skids.....and don't get me started on SD and her furniture. Covered in makeup, slime and other things that I don't even know what they are.