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Disengagement, III

Cover1W's picture

Ignoring all laundry but for what's in laundry baskets. This one is easy for me. Anything on floor or stuffed under beds is ignored. If only one pair of pants and two pairs of underwear are in basket after two weeks of habitation not my problem. No clean clothes for first day of school? Not my problem. The rule has been in place for over a year.

Ignore all dirty dishes and food bags. After I made it crystal clear to DP and SD11 that there is to be no food in bedrooms, the food items continue to be left in her room. Not my problem. The can with soda get spilled onto the carpet because I had to somehow access the laundry basket through all the crap? Not my problem. The wet towel on the floor mouldering? Ignored. Not a word to DP.

The sandals left on deck for millionth time? Gone. It's end of summer anyway.
The two staplers taken from the office and not returned? In my desk drawer, untouchable because I need one and SDs are not to just take things from the office without permission.

Discussion forthcoming with DP that if he chooses to turn on heat in house just because one person is cold and a sweater is not put on instead when house is at a reasonable temperature, and Cover1 is overruled because DP is the father then Cover1 will only contribute 1/3 any electric and gas bill. Cover1 has no say then Cover1 not financially obligated.


oneoffour's picture

I had the same argument with my DH. His sons would wear t-shirts and shorts in winter and then complain it was 'cooolldd'. No, dear children. You get a sweater or a hoodie or one of your 6 prs of jeans in your room and put them on. No extra heat because you feel cold seeing you do not contribute anything to the household coffers. Cold feet? Socks.

I came from a sub sub tropical climate and if I found the internal temperature quite livable when it was below freezing outside then you can shut up about it. Works like a charm.

Cover1W's picture

Good thing is he's willing to pay more for utilities and the carpets aren't new, actually they need to be replaced but no way that will happen any time soon unless he pays that cost himself.

hereiam's picture

I get the disengagement when it comes to certain things, like the laundry, but I will be damned if I let kids ruin my carpet, waste my money, take my things, or run my household.

That's not disengagement to me, that's just allowing them to run you over. I think if I got to that point, I would just move out.

Cover1W's picture

DP will see the state of the carpet. He will walk in there sooner than later and freak out and make her clean everything. Just not as soon. As I like. The carpeting was there when we moved in, not in great shape. If it was in good shape or we replaced it I'd be all over it.