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Can we call you mom?

theoutsider's picture

I just had the kids ask me tonight if they could call me "mom". It's come up before and I've always changed the subject because it was the youngest one (Cool asking. But tonight it was all three together (like they talked in the other room and came as one) and asked me in front of FDH.
First, FDH has primary custody. I get the kids ready every morning for school. Help them with their homework every night.
I do typical "parent" things with them, at the request of FDH, (and the hatred of BM). I have a pretty good relationship with all three 95% of the time...
So, my first gut response to the question was, "why would you do that?"
The youngest said, "well cause you act like a mom should."
The oldest said, "we aren't saying you act like MOM, we are saying you act like A mom"
I responded, "won't that get confusing? if you said ' mom said she was going to pick us up from school for a doctors appointment' who would you be talking about?"
The middle boy said, "well right now mom gets mad because we keep calling her your name and you don't yell at us when we accidentally call you mom"
FDH said, "they used to call my mom ' mom' when they were younger. And I did get an ass eating once from BM because the kids kept calling her grandma. So I guess the kids are just asking if they can use what has worked for them before"
So I turned to the kids and said, "I'm sorry that your mom gets upset when you call her the wrong name, but calling me the wrong name isn't the way to fix mom's problem with me. I accidentally call you guys the wrong names. I call my own sisters the wrong names sometimes. It happens. But that doesn't mean I should call everyone ' sis' from now on so I don't upset my sisters by calling them the wrong name"
The kids were sad.
And honestly, I was sad.
I do EVERYTHING for these kids.
BUT I am not their mom, no mater how badly their real mom treats them, no matter how badly they want me to be and no matter how badly I want to be...»


theoutsider's picture

Yeah, I'm not even married yet to their dad...
the oldest one for me is almost 13, a girl, and comes to me with all those ' questions' because she says she can't talk to her mom... Although it hadn't been diagnosed, I believe BM has some kind of disorder, (she was also abused as a child)...
But aside from that, the twelve year old got a slap in the face from BM last year for saying, "as soon as I'm 18 you'll never see me again.... You may be legally my mother til I'm 18, but (outsider) will be there the rest of my life"

OUCH,.... Can't say I really blame BM for that,...

prettyinpink's picture

I feel bad for ur skids I think they just told u that (about the confusion with the name) because they didn't know how u were going to react n maybe even their dad told them to tell u that thinking u would say yes.. I don't think u should feel bad or weird if u were to allow them to call u mom because a mom isn't only the one who brought u to this world but the one who loved you, cared for you, taught u right from wrong.. n if they feel uare a better mom u should feel special after all us sm do act like bios so its nice to b appreciated.. my SD13 asked me in the begining of my relationship with her dad (about 10 yrs ago) what I was to her n at the time I didn't know what to answer so I said Friend lol but I ended up regreting it but I never did anything about it so to this day she calls me by my name although their are times that she says she has 2 moms but still calls me by my name

prettyinpink's picture

I wouldn't want my kids calling someone elso mom n they wouldn't want too because they know how much mommy loves them..these kids on the other hand feel more love from their sm but if she really doesn't want them calling her mom maybe she can have them try n come up with a name they both agree on..

prettyinpink's picture

I wouldn't want my kids calling someone elso mom n they wouldn't want too because they know how much mommy loves them..these kids on the other hand feel more love from their sm but if she really doesn't want them calling her mom maybe she can have them try n come up with a name they both agree on..

sandy1234's picture

I agree! SS just started experimenting calling me Mama, which is both cute and sweet. BM has not heard yet but when she does I'm sure she'll blow up. Ehh, don't care. I love how SS is when he calls me it though.. he sort of smiles to himself <3

theoutsider's picture

I think the oldest who is almost 13 has already mentally decided to take her teenage angst out on her mom... If it has to go somewhere, really I prefer it go somewhere outside of my house...
And considering the kids are already starting to see BMs true colors, I think its likely the other two will follow suit.

sandy1234's picture

I may have asked if they were just using that as a cover for the fact they really just wanted to call you Mom because they wanted to call you it-you seem like A Mom. They said it right there. They added on the "confused" stuff. This is a delicate topic that they will remember so just make sure they aren't left with unexpressed feelings. Good luck! Smile

WarmBody's picture

I think you should let them call you mom if it is their idea and you are there earning the title.

There are plenty of times when the step dad who is custodial gets called dad or pops. Why can't they call you mom and their bio mom something else like, "mommy" or "mama" or "mother"? Then nobody gets confused.

I really feel like you shouldn't force kids to call you mom but if they want to then they are essentially giving you the gift of love and acceptance and you are throwing it back at them. It would be like refusing to let them give you flowers they picked for you only worse imo.