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Help us understand please!!!

Starla's picture

Dh & I went up to visit the kids. We took them out shopping, out to eat, went to the mall, & spent the day with them fairly recently. They did not come home with us for they had a lot of homework that had to get done not to mention its a long drive. They come home here over the summer, school breaks, longer weekends, & sometimes a short weekend in between. Sorry but the BM does not do any of the transportation for she had her licensed taken away due to all the car accidents she had. We really honestly try to do our best! BM has always bashed the kids dad & is manipulative towards everyone including the kids. We try to teach them right from wrong, not saying we are perfect but we don't bash their mother to them. SD is 14 & SS is 16. They sadly do not seem to care about their dad & my SD appears to like me more than her own dad. She tells me "I wish you were my mom" also "Im mad at dad for leaving us with mom" Ok the divorce & mothers moving away was way back when she was young, maybe 6 or so. Sorry may have to correct the age later for I do not know for sure but close to at least. I liked it when she started to say "I wish you were my mom" but wondered why she said that! When she is nice or talking nice at least on our terms, she is up to no good. Their mother left their dad, home, school, friends, & all. Taking the kids yet its his fault in this girl's head..maybe im missing something??? After all it was before my time. The dad never claimed to be perfect but the BM's s*** does not stink! SS really believes that about his mom. She has his head so full of lies that truth don't exist just to give you readers an idea.

Help us understand one thing if possible please. During the visit we had with the kids, my SD says "dad I want to change my last name" giving the last name of her BM. That was said as we were all driving to the mall just chatting. How & where did that come from we can't help but to wonder? No fighting was going on or anything bad. It was said out of the blue & I saw my DH become totally crushed. The last time we went up, the SS was gone knowing we were coming to pick them up. He was at a friends as the mom was home playing stupid as to why he was not there. Understand SS, for SS's report card came in & he knew his dad was upset with him. He is smart enough to get A's & B's but got four F's.... So my DH does not want to go visit them as of now, after years of this type of treatment. I do understand my DH feelings there but this was like DH's last straw. I just want to know where SD could have been coming from & where can we go from here????

Starla's picture

Yes she does. We don't know if the guilt cards are being thrown at DH as revenge, her trying to get a reaction, or what. She deals guilt cards to everybody to gain sympathy & when it comes to her dad, its almost like she wants to do it to attack him. The BM gets the ones of we are being hard on her only SD never tells BM what she did wrong to get in trouble. With everyone she never tells the whole story.

herewegoagain's picture

I'd tell the little witch that if she wants to change her last name, she will also have to have her mother agree to no child support and she can stay with her mother. Idiot kids.