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Sweet Dear Jesus...(really long)

thelaststraw's picture

So the FSkids got dropped off last night at a friend's house so the abode was peaceful. Today started ok - frozen, but ok.

DFW gets home and all the sudden I'm hearing stuff hit the side of the house. I look outside and she is shoveling the remnants of snow left of the driveway. Mind you that the driveway was sufficiently cleared yesterday and the day before and the material condition of the driveway had not changed. Let's also add in that it was FIVE DEGREES outside with negative wind chills. We are also looking at the fact that I work from home and tomorrow(Friday) is going to be a 25 degree day.

So I asked her what she was doing ala why are you shoveling the driveway...and I get this look like I had told her to go eff herself. She launches into a tirade about how the driveway needs to be cleared so that we don't have to shuffle the cars around. Nevermind that I've done ALL of the driving over the previous 36 hours and no shuffling needed to be done, even when moving a car that was "blocked in". I tell her that it can be done tomorrow because there's no sense when one can work with the benefit of an extra 20 degrees. She then launches into another rant about how stuff has to be done so I decided I'd join her and knock out a couple of the things.

Here's what I get - "You were just crying about the weather so why are you taking the garbage to the street without a jacket?"

Crying about the weather? Really? And she continues with the driveway. I then remarked that maybe she should make a schedule for me in the morning so I don't miss everything that she wants me to do. Mind you, work is a little slow right now, but I work for one of the biggest, best employers and I do so from home. And I've also heard from her "You're supposed to be working" when I take on a homemaker-ish task when I have the time. So, the magical words that she chose? "Why should I make a schedule when it's not going to get done anyway?" :jawdrop:

I was livid. I said "Fine. Go to spin class by yourself." Why do I want to be around a person who's just going to sh1t on me anyway when they're in a pissy mood?

So I grabbed my coat and proceeded to grab a shovel the driveway. She asked me a question about where the other shovel was and I said it was probably buried without looking at her.

So, that gets done and we go inside. I start doing other stuff around the house cuz I clean when I get pissed. She then has the stones to ask me if I am really not going to spin class with her.

Me: "No. I'm not going."
Her: "I've never done anything like that to you."
Me: "Really, what about last Friday when you just went right to bed all pissed off?"
Her: "You bailed on me. I didn't want to watch the movie that you boys wanted to watch."
Me: "The movie wasn't decided. You assumed and got ticked."
Her: "Whatever."

Whatever is the reply of those that have just lost the argument and don't have a damn leg to stand on.

She decided to just leave, cuz, you know, she was right, I was wrong, and I should apologize. To my discredit - I did shout "F U" after she slammed the door shut.

She has since come home from spin with her kids and said not a word to me. Keep in mind that I've still been cleaning since she left and made her lunch for her for tomorrow. And she's gone to bed without a word to me.

I'm really not looking for vindication or absolution. I feel I'm right, except for the shouting invectives part. I really just wanted to put these words down because it's easier to sort everything when I have to recount the details.

If you have a comment, I certainly can't stop you from sharing. Have a good day or....whatever... Dirol


thelaststraw's picture

First - your sig - truer words have never been spoken. My ex, well, let's just say that she met a guy back in March of 2009 (curiously close to when the marriage disintegrated) and she is more concerned with his teen daughters' cheerleading competitions than raising MY TWO KIDS! But that's another rant.

We are all allowed to be angry, sad, upset, etc. We're are all allowed to have a bad day.

We ARE NOT allowed to act however we choose when these things happen. I understand sometimes we can be in a bad place and react but if the standard mode is to sh1t on everyone around you when things go badly, then there seems to be a maturity problem.

thelaststraw's picture

Yeah - well, pitched in a little again this morning despite the fact that I could have not even been there and nothing would have changed from her perspective - or so it seems. A qualifier - I was focused on knocking out ALL of my deliverables for work this morning, and as of 8:15am CT, I am DONE. So, now I have a couple of workouts to throw down, start dinner and do grocery shopping for the week.

Am I weird for telling someone that if they expect something, they need to communicate it? Of course, this is said beyond the normal construct of "Don't dump on me cuz we're on the same team." I would think that two adults in a healthy relationship would already know this. Of course, I've also been told I expect more of people in general.

And I'm pretty good at taking a hint. If people around me act like I'm not there, I can make myself pretty scarce in a flash. I don't require constant validation, but a simple acknowledgement does wonders.

LADIES - if your guy is making the effort, and you can tell if he's really trying, even if it doesn't meet your standards - ACKNOWLEDGE HIM FOR IT. If you don't he's going to stop trying and not give a damn. If he is really trying and not meeting your standards, then constructive criticism would be appreciated on his part, because he's doing whatever he is doing to facilitate your happiness.

I really hate people sometimes.

LizzieA's picture

Sorry, but your FW sounds like a pissy biotch. When she's like that, ask her what's up and if she won't tell you and continues the piss fest, walk off. Don't jump through hoops to prove that you're doing OK by her. Sounds like you couldn't do anything right at that moment and the snide comments are immature. They remind me of ignorant trailer trash women, like my brother's ex. Nah nah nah nah. Ugh.

thelaststraw's picture

Yeah - I did that last Friday - posted in my blog about it.

I'm officially done apologizing for being a guy that has emotions and knows what it means to be slighted. If she gets pissy and doesn't want to talk, then there must be nothing to talk about. 'Nuff said.

stpmom2b's picture

My DH is like you. He is always cleaning or cooking or doing things to make my life easier. I make sure I let him know how much it means to me. I had the opposite in my last husband so I know what I have! If you nag about a guy trying to do something they are going to stop trying!

thelaststraw's picture

Wow - just plain Wow...

She left behind a travel mug of coffee that I made for her so I shot her a text message stating such and that I hope her day goes better than yesterday. I haven't heard a word back.

For someone that will text and call frequently during the day, this is really something. Funny thing is - I have no problem being a complete jerk about this. Two can play this game. I've always been the one to do the "Wait a minute - what do we both really want here?" kind of thing. I'm not doing that.