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So frustrated and tired. Can't stand SD's face =(

LaMareOssa's picture

For the past few days, DH and I have been at each others throat. It's always about SD11. I won't say it's her fault, but indirectly, she is causing it. It started on Monday with her not doing homework that was supposed to be done. Every monday she has vocabulary words that she needs to learn. She also has to write down the definitions out of her school book and learn them. Every. Single. Monday I ask her when I pick her and DD6 up from school, "do you have your definitions written down?" Most of the time she stares at me and slowly shakes her head no. Then Every. Single. Time I tell her to run back to class and grab her book so she can do them. This Monday I wasn't feeling well, it was pouring down rain and I didn't think to ask. We get home and I'm telling DD6 that we need to get started on her homework. I look at SD and ask if she has homework. She looks at me and says "no" I said " So you have your definitions written down?" She says "umm. not really" I said "Okay go grab your book and start them." She tells me she doesn't have her book. Damn It! With this child, if you do not ask the perfect questions, you will not get an honest answer. For example, a conversation with her can go something like this:
Me: Do you have homework?
Her: No
Me: So you have your definitions?
Her: Yes, I have my definitions.
Me: So you have your definitions written down already?
No: No. Do I have to write them down?
Me: Of course. This is something you have to do Every Monday. You know that.
Her: Should I go get my book then?
Me. Yes. Go get your book.
So, DH calls and asks how school went for the girls. I tell him about SD forgetting her book. He says "Ive told her over and over that she HAS to bring her book home every monday. She needs to start getting in trouble for this." Monday night DH has a very serious talk with SD about the importance of homework. She gets in trouble.
Tuesday: SD doesn't have her book. I have to turn around, go back to the school and she grabs her book. We get home and she then tells me she doesn't have her vocabulary words. GRRR. DH gets home and somehow it turns into his daughter not wanting to do homework, to her not caring about school, to it being MY FAULT!

OHHH..A tid bit I forgot to include originally..

Just a couple of days ago DH says this: " We remind her about her bringing her book home as a COURTESY reminder. She knows she needs to do it. DON'T Remind her anymore"



PeanutandSons's picture

That same scenario plays out at my house on a daily basis. Skids are supposed to do something...they blow not off...dh talks to them....they blow it off again....then I get yelled at for not getting it done myself. Never the skids...its always me getting yelled st when they mess up.

LaMareOssa's picture

Oh yes..."I Dunno" is said All. The. Time. "When is it due?" I dunno. "Howd it go?" I dunno. "What did your teacher say" I dunno......

Lola383's picture

LOL...thats my BF's DS11...he says "i dunno" for everything..i just assume now he's a major airhead.

Lola383's picture

^^^^^^YES! It must be the age because my BF's son asks such STUPID questions all I can do is stare at him, dumbfounded. Things he does routinely everyday and things we talk to him about everyday NEVER sinks in!! Just got back from vacation with them- every time he took a shower he left all his closed on the bathroom floor; and every time I told him to pick them up - wouldn't you think at 11 he would start picking up his own clothes after the 5th day in a row of being told to pick them up!!! lol i wanted to slap him upside the head...but instead i just had to breath and count to 10 haha

Lola383's picture

I read this over a few times and I'm confused - how again is this your fault??? Sounds like your SD is just lazy and forgetful. At some point she needs to learn to remember things for herself. I'm going through this with my BF's son who is 11. He is so damn forgetful I just want to curse at him. i swear he is book smart but so effing stupid for everything else.

LaMareOssa's picture

DH words: "She is still just a child, she still needs to be reminded certain things." UMMMM WHAT? No, she doesn't need to be reminded every. single. week that she has homework. It's March now..well..tomorrow..whatever...she has been in school since Sept. and every. single. monday has homework! She doesn't seem to need to be reminded to grab her kindle or ipod. She knows she has shit to do, just dosn't want to do it.

But just a couple of days ago DH says this: "We only ask her if she has homewrk as a courtesy reminder. She needs to do it, she knows it needsto be done. Don't remind her again"

WTF?!?! Twilight Zone!

PeanutandSons's picture

My dh does this allllll the time. Don't remind them to shower I told them its their responsibility to shower everyday. Day eight of no shower and he's screaming at me for not reminding them...even though he specifically told me not to.

Don't do the tooth fairy anymore they are too old I am going to have a talk with them. A month later when a tooth came out no one said anything to me Until 5 days later when SS came to me asking why then tooth fairy didn't come. I go ask dh and he flips out about how horrible I am that I didn't leave SS a dollar. Well, first one told me he lost a tooth, and secondly you told me not to do that anymore.

Same with hw. If I ask everyday I am nagging them. I don't ask and it doesn't get done its my fault for not reminding them.

RedWingsFan's picture

^^^Oh fuck that honey. I'd have such a raging bitch fit at DH he'd never cross me again about that kind of bullshit.

Damn, I'm PMSing hard today! I've been just downright scary mad!

LaMareOssa's picture

YES YES YES!!! We had an argument about that...I didn't say something about somthing that I should have and I was wrong (I didnt say whatever it was wihout consulting DH first) If I go ahead and do/say something without consulting DH about it..HE FREAKS.

If I DO consult him..HE FREAKS.
its either "You should have talked to me first OR why cant you just figure it out yourself..youre a biggirl"


fedup13's picture

If you are constantly going round and round with DH about SD make SD DH's problem to handle alone. He can't blame you if you take yourself out of the loop.