Losing My Mind, Summer Time Blues
It's been just over a week since school's been out and I've had SD12 and SD8 full time (I'm at SAHM mom, DH works full time). DD12 has spent time with her bio dad so it's been skids 100% of the time and DD12 about 50%.
I'm normally engaged with the skids in most areas (deceased BM) and thought I had found my engagement groove/comfort zone.
But this first week has me reaching my patience's end already. Skids are horrible: willful disregard of simple rules, mean-girl comments towards DD12, sent two sleepover friends home crying on different days (SD12 was responsible for one, SD8 the other), baby behaviors (kicking seats, smearing newly cleaned windows, eating food in a way that causes a "full-face" smeared mess, running off if I dare take my eyes off them for a minute), requiring repeated and unnecessarily frequent reminders/nagging to do (or not do) something, baby talking, interrupting, getting into trouble at stores which require a worker to tap my shoulder and point it out, insinuating themselves in adult conversations with questions they already know answers to or offering opinions that aren't welcome or solicited, etc. I know these behaviors aren't "huge" issues in the grand scheme of things, and are simply just issues that erode the peaceful/stable family environment I try so hard to maintain. I addressed each above example when it happened but not only has it not improved, things are getting more frequent/worse. I'm very unhappy.
I shared my concerns with DH the other night (calm and without anger, everything above) and he smirked at me. Tried to hold back a giggle after I cited examples of the skids' behaviors. Instead of getting mad I just calmly stated, "Things are going to change around here. I'm not going to reward the skids' bad behavior by taking them to the beach or a movie or out to lunch or shopping or even to their favorite park. I will continue to take any child whose behavior I'm proud of, and right now that is DD12 alone. And if it's only SD8 who is disrespectful, then either you can come home from work to watch her or I will leave her home alone with SD12 to babysit. Your choice." He apologized for smirking and gave me some platitudes about trying to be more observant of skid bad behavior and then did address the skids regarding one example this weekend (a "willful disregard of a simple rule" incident).
I need advice from you guys. If I should either a) advise all kids in this house what's going on and warn them how continued disrespectful to immature behavior will result in the loss of summer fun events or b) only talk to the problem children (SD12 and SD8) because I have zero issues with DD12s behaviors c) have no conversations at all and just let each situation play itself out if/when it does. Remember, I've been practically begging the skids for a week now to work with me on their behavioral issues but they simply disregard me. So selecting option (c) is a consideration. They've received ample warnings thus far.
My goals are this: hold skids responsible for their bad choices, hold DH responsible for skids continued unaddressed life-sucking antics (unaddressed by him after me asking him to address it), not punish DD12 for the disobedience of the skids, and to do all of this in a civil and healthy way that allows me to retain my sanity.
Suggestions please. My unhappiness is clouding my rational judgment.
- tabby yabba do's blog
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All though the bio mom in my
All though the bio mom in my situation is not deceased we have just about the same issues with SKs. SKs are 8 & 10. Bio kid is 2. I have found anything that works. I completely understand the disregard for simple rules .. In our house they go #2 and had the time won't flush (or wipe for that matter). My DH though I was exaggerating the not wiping their butts until I started taking him every pair of underwear. I have asked several times that the drawers not be pulled out kd their dresser & to be closed when finished but every week I find the drawers laying in their bedroom floor. I tell my DH he can put them up and he has left them. I can discipline OUR child as I see fit whoever the second I call the others down it's bc "I don't care about them". I asked for them not to call each other's "sucker" or "suck up" bc I don't like my 2 year old saying sucker to people. No one else has a problem with it so I'm just being mean. I've refused to keep the SKs until behavior is better but that gets disregarded too. If you figure something out you can fill me in lol
This past weekend I took bios
This past weekend I took bios to a birthday party for a classmate and had a very similar conversation with one of the other moms. We were just saying how it's so nice that it's summer and we can lax a little on the bedtimes, homework etc. but that the lack of structure is also stressful. After conversing with her and bouncing around different approaches (she is a SAHM) I came home and DH and I made a summer plan to ease some of the same issues we are having as you.
We both work but we have opposite schedules so the kids/skids are home with him his two days off, home with me my two days off and summer camp the remaining three days. So, the four days that kids are home we actually decided to implement a "schedule" (I'll use the term loosely because it's sort of up to them)
I know your SD is a little older but since she seems a little immature maybe a rewards system could work for her still. Basically I set it up like this: I bought a jar and a bunch of these fake tokens from the dollar store for each kid. At the end of the day as part of the bedtime routine we go through a check list and they can earn tokens. When they get so many tokens they can use them for rewards- ice cream, chipotle (my kids/skids are weird lol) and then with more tokens something like the movies or the carnival or whatever. If everyone earns tokens then the next day DH or I will take everyone to the pool.
Here are ways to earn tokens- 30 minutes of educational activities- summer reading/math/summer workbooks/reading for pleasure or any "approved" project (for example bios are building bird houses), 30 mins of structured physical activities- practicing their sports: baseball, basketball, exercise, gymnastics etc. Using kind words- no hitting/fighting/instigating/teasing each other, Basic respect- talking back, lying. Also, just the daily things- picking up messes, dirty clothes in the laundry room etc.
We did this about a year ago and had really positive results, we got a little lax about it and some not so nice behaviors started to escalate again (nothing world ending but annoying enough)
Option C. And when you go,
Option C.
And when you go, take the wireless router with you. And the cables to all the electronics. But leave a list of chores behind. With a smiley face!
Update: I took askYOURdad
I took askYOURdad and aswang's advice (although moeilijk's was my favorite for efficiency purposes) and created a reward/consequences "chips" system. After discussing it with DH, I outlined the rules and let all three kids (together, no perceived favoritism) set the "terms" (what gets rewarded, what gets a consequence - how to earn a chip and when chips are revoked) I added the caveat that all "chips rules" in no way restrict the parent's duty to impose other discipline when/where the parent deems necessary (so yes, SD12, in addition to losing chips, you'll still lose all iPhone privileges when you post something disrespectful about DD12 on your instagram). I even insisted on a "peer evaluation" at the end of each day so the girls (and parents) could reflect on the overall day and reward each other with chips (i.e. if it was a good day and cooperation/respect were evident) or take away chips (i.e. if mean-girl behaviors or lying was how the day went) based on the behaviors the girls exhibited when not under adult supervision. I won't allow it to turn into a "tattle tale" session, but will focus on it being a time to offer honest feedback of how the day went. SD12 looked a little worried with this rule.
Yesterday was the first day and after making the big pretty poster board with all the colorfully written rules and consequences, everyone had a good day and earned some chips.
Well let the games begin ... SD8 is already down two chip this morning for lying about brushing her teeth.
I agree that for a normal 12
I agree that for a normal 12 year old, however, for an immature one I think it really helps to reteach or reinforce the basics.
I coached 5th and 6th grade basketball the past couple years for OSD. The team was pretty bad all around and the first few practices all we did was fundamentals in the same exact way that it was being taught to my 5 year olds at the time. I even caught some flack from some of the parents. At the end of the season we ended up winning that last 5 games of the first year and only lost 2 games and won a trophy the second year. I wasn't there in the beginning to teach them the basics and the fundamentals, but I found a way to do it when they were older even though it seemed silly and stuff they should already know. It's just my opinion of course, but step parenting has been a lot similar.
I get what you are saying and
I get what you are saying and this is sort of my problem with full disengagement. (Don't get me wrong, I understand why some have to do it) but when I'm the coach: you're on my team, my court and you are playing by my rules. I own you for those two hours (yes, I was hard on these girls) if you don't show up to practice you run ladders at the next one etc. I will make it all sorts of fun and games if you are trying, engaged, want to learn, want to play and want to do well. If you give me attitude, are lazy and keep screwing up you will be running.
As a SM I tend to do things similarly. I am not your mom but you are in my home and will play by my (well DH's and my) rules. I will make it fun and games and engage if you are doing well and want to learn and play and have fun but I will also have consequences if you want to disrespect my home, my things, each other etc. (I don't make my kids/skids run lol but they do write and all have much improved handwriting since I came along
) It's obviously a little bit different/trickier as I don't really discipline things outside of the scope of my home and general respect for those around you.
I know it's difficult for SMs to have authority when it isn't backed up by the DHs, I know this approach doesn't work for everyone but I know Tabbys DH has her back and she is the one doing the daily grind so I think she would be able to carry out any suggestions we have. Sometimes being engaged and taking the bull by the horns can be easier then disengaging, at least for us control freaks lol.
Thanks for sharing... I think
Thanks for sharing... I think it's a pretty big fear of mine since the kids/skids are so young, that as they get older we will have ot of the problems that I see posted here. I really do appreciate all of the advice and venting here though because it at least helps me to be aware and to snip behavior right away. There was a short time that mini-wife stuff started but luckily it quickly ended. I bet it would have continued, escalated or gotten worse had I not already been very aware of the horror stories that could come if it weren't stopped.