OT: Amber and Gary from Teen Mom - This is terrifying to me.
It's abusive, period.
I've been watching this show online over the weekend. Before that, I caught bits and pieces on TV here and there but never followed it, so I started from the beginning and am just into season two now.
For anyone else who watches this, is it just me or are Amber and Gary heartbreaking? Or, more appropriate, my heart breaks for Leah in the middle of so much hate and anger.
Amber needs help. The medication she was put on in the first season, Klonopin, is a serious drug and has a lot of addiction potential and really should not be used without a psychiatrist. A family doctor can prescribed psychiatric drugs but most won't maintain it unless the patient gets a psychiatrist and the reason I bring this up is while she was given it for anxiety and depression issues, it's only made things worse. She was whiny, lazy and kind of a heinous bitch from the beginning, but post-medication she's become aggressive, violent and downright abusive.
I realize that Gary is lazy, immature and kind of a slob. He says douchey things sometimes. He's no peach. That being said, I do think the guy has a lot of love for his daughter and Amber. I realize when Amber stays at home it's a lot to watch a toddler and it's annoying when your fiance won't even pick up his clothes, and I realize she has every right to feel overwhelmed and frustrated. I don't doubt that she's been depressed and has anxiety issues; I also think she may have more serious mental issues. It made me sick to my stomach when she shoved Gary into the wall, grabbed him by the throat and smacked him, all right in front of their infant daughter. I don't care if she's the woman. I don't care what he said. I don't care if he wasn't seriously injured. It's domestic violence. There is nothing that makes that behaviour acceptable, period. It doesn't matter if he didn't sustain any real injuries, it's about crossing that boundary and opening the door for that to escalate - what if next time she doesn't smack him with her hand but hits him upside the head with whatever object is closest to them? In a season two episode, they were arguing and she went to move past him and she grabbed him arm and pulled her other arm back with her fist clenched like she was going to punch him. I understand she's *now* being investigated for assault, so I'm assuming there have been other incidents, especially since what we have actually seen is what she's comfortable doing on camera. I don't want to think about the kind of thing that might go on when the cameras are gone.
Even when it's not physical, she's screaming at him, name-calling and generally acting like everything that goes wrong is his fault (like it's his fault her car won't start and like he can do anything while he's at work). She belittles him and somehow he always ends up being the one apologizing. When he says, "Fuck this" and goes to walk away from her, she switches tones and cries and begs him to come back for their family. It's about control. She verbally beats that man into submission on a daily basis, shouting and cussing and screaming in front of that little girl. The look on that baby's face and the yelling she starts to do when they get going is downright haunting to me.
Or how about the total lack of remorse for any of it? For anyone who's read my blog in the past, you'll know I have struggled with anger management. I realize I have escalated out of control (although, for anyone who's curious, I'm making a lot of progress :)). I have never reached an Amber level of hate and belittling, but what gets me isn't even the intensity but the lack of remorse. When I overreact and yell, I feel terrible afterwards. I feel embarrassed that I acted that way. I apologize. I hold myself accountable. Amber says it's Gary's fault she talks to him that way. It's his fault she screams day in and day out. It's his fault she hits him. That is so unsettling to me. I watched the reunion show between seasons 1 and 2 and during her recap, it showed her face during the clip of her grabbing his throat and smacking him and she was *laughing*. I don't know why I reacted so strongly, but seeing her laugh about it made me tear up. It sickened me. It showed me that this isn't a stressed out, depressed young mother who had a moment of weakness. It's an abusive person who needs some (real) medical help. It's someone who should not have a toddler. What if next time it's not Gary? What if next time it's that little girl who pushes Amber's patience too far and gets thrown into a wall or smacked in the face?
This is random but it's just been getting to me a lot. I almost hate watching their segments because the whole time my heart is breaking for this little girl, staring up at them and yelling along with them while they scream at each other.
- Synaesthete's blog
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i've watched the show as well
i've watched the show as well and it is heartbreaking. Amber really does need help. after she pushed/slapped him when he went to get the rest of his stuff, I would of immediately went and got a restraining order for me and my daughter. I hope they get the help that they need.
I have always felt the very
I have always felt the very same way!! I feel so bad for Leah stuck in the middle of all this abuse!! Gary is lazy and basically a slob but that still doesn't mean he deserves to be abused! Amber has a lot of issues to deal with!!
The fact that she went out with a man who was only out of jail on work release was terrifying. She didn't even ask what he had done wrong and then the very next episode he had moved in with Amber and her daughter! WTF??
Then once Gary and Amber have acknowledged their relationship is over (thank goodness) Amber still breaks down and cries and carries on!! She starts crying hysterically in front of Leah and Leah says to her "Quiet...Now!" It was funny but more sad than anything because that shows how much Amber yells at her baby!
Definitely. And people don't
Definitely. And people don't make a big deal about it because in the past he went back to her, but how is that any different than abused women go keep going back or trying to make it work for the sake of their family? It's still abusive.
And that is so creepy to me. When she asked if he minded that she was a mom and he said something like, "I love it." that creeped me out. The other thing was when he said it was the best day of his life when he met her. That's such a creepy thing to say on your first date with someone you just met in Wal-Mart. So creepy. What is she thinking?
And yeah, she does, because it's about control. He's out of her control now and not putting up with her nonsense, and this is her standard behaviour to rope him back in - cry and make him feel guilty about splitting up their family. I haven't seen that clip of Leah saying "Quiet now!" but it is very telling on the kind of thing she is picking up from them.
I've watched it a few times-I
I've watched it a few times-I didn't see the episode she hit Gary-but I did see her blatant verbal and emotional abuse. I recognized her abusive nature immediately-and in front of the kids. There is no stopping people like this. He should walk away WITH the daughter and get her supervised visits. It's horrible and heartbreaking to watch.
I was married to a man like this...they don't get better.
I feel the exact same way. I
I feel the exact same way. I caught one episode and it caught my interest, so I watched the marathon that was running one weekend. It is so sad! Like you, I hated watching their segment. Amber is a real mental case and needs some help asap. The very idea of her bringing home someone on work release, who on their very first date said that she changed his life?!? I don't think so. Poor Leah. I know Amber had her young, but that is no excuse to be abusive the way that she is. Gary has more restraint than me b/c I don't know if I could hold back the way that he does when Amber assaults him. Amber is a typical abuser except for the fact that she is a girl. Gary needs to take Leah and run far, far away
I think if Gary were anyone
I think if Gary were anyone else, it would have happened already. The only reason he's even gone back to her, in my mind, is because a) she's his first "love", b) they have a child together and everyone wants that ideal of having the parents of the first child together and c) he clearly has low self-esteem, which is partly due to the abuse - I really do think if you're called worthless, fat-ass, poor excuse for a man by the girl you think you love long enough you start to believe it, and even if I'm not a big fan of Gary and think he could use some personal growth and maturing of his own, that makes me sad for him.
And I think she's more comfortable hitting him like that because she knows he won't hit her back. She's the victim. She's the exhausted, beaten-down, stressed out, depressed young mother and it's his fault she acts the way she does - at least in her mind and, if Gary follows the pattern of beaten down female partners, maybe in his mind, too.
I would be happier about them being apart if it had been his decision, but he's still sending her flowers and apologizing. I have a sick feeling that once this sleazy new guy is gone, Amber will run back to Gary and he'll take her. I hope I'm wrong, and the time on his own lets him get healthier and see the situation for what it is and start thinking about getting Leah out of there.
I love Teen Mom and DVR it
I love Teen Mom and DVR it every week as I can't stay up that late! I just found out a couple of weeks ago that hubby has been watching it too and the other night when I was watching that episode where Amber was being a total beeotch and where she hit Gary, hubby said that is exaclty how SS11 BM used to act. I said "Really, she was THAT bad??" He said yes...now I knew she was a bitch but I guess I never realized that she was that bad. Poor hubby.
I was surprised that she was hitting him and making such a scene when she knew she was being filmed???? :?
LOL at imaSmom! I just wish
LOL at imaSmom! I just wish she wouldn't drag her kid into that. I agree with everything you said S!
Yes I totally agree. It's
Yes I totally agree. It's very hard to watch. I feel so sorry for Gary and that pretty baby Leah. Have you noticed that Amber rarely picks up her daughter or plays with her. The poor baby is just doing her own thing while her mother is on the bed. I had a fit when Amber let the guy that was just released from a halfway house (basically jail) change her baby's diapers. I think she only knew the guy for 2 weeks. Ummmm there will be NO touching of MY daughter.
Definitely, and you're right
Definitely, and you're right that Leah doesn't get held very much.
Amber's always had her either hanging out in the playpen or just letting her crawl around her (dirty and very un-babyproofed) apartment.
i just dont understand how it
i just dont understand how it is that child protective services havent been involved already? its televised and clear that its not a good environment for the baby. one thing ive noticed is that she never really puts up a fight to keep her daughter with her. i dont think gary will have too much trouble getting her out of there whenever he decides to try.