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Not SK Related - FMIL Made Me Invite a Wedding Guest Who Was Always An Alcoholic but now Struggles with Mental Illness

Dads_Wife's picture

FMIL Inviting Wedding Guest

TW: Involves substance abuse and mental illness. Also, I understand this situation is no one’s fault, but I feel it is FMIL responsibility. I have a lot of empathy for all parties involved and understand how hard this is.

FDH and I are getting married in September in another state where neither family lives (essentially a destination wedding). I sent out the Save the Dates in December/early January. FMIL had me send a date to good ‘friend’ of hers, insisting she wouldn’t come but that she would be ‘crushed’ to not get a save the date. As of this time, good friend (will be referred to as Amber from here on out) still had her decades long drinking problem, but for all intents and purposes, was normal and well from what FDH and I understood.

Since the save-the-date, Amber has gone off the rails. It must be understood that Amber has MONEY. Not just money, but big time money. When her mental state started to disintegrate, she would buy new houses, new TVs, new cars, new anything. It got so bad that scum of the earth realized it and would say, “Hey Amber, I’m in trouble and need 5k,” and Amber would go get her check book. This woman has/had the heart of gold, but between her decades of drinking and her mental state, she is totally gone.

They ended up putting her in rehab about two months ago, to which she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia on top of her addiction issue. She was only there for two weeks when Amber called her husband and complained and he picked her up early, further worsening the issues. FMIL insisted over the phone that Amber was doing much better, but when we went down for the 4th and Amber came over to the house, I told FMIL that if this is better I do not want to see worse. Amber weighs about 75 pounds, is talking off the wall sh**, rolling around in the grass, gathering garbage and handing it to people and then also inappropriately jumping and straddling FDH for almost 5 minutes. She is not well and it is very sad.

That being said, I never sent Amber’s actual invitation when she was carted off to rehab. When we were down there, she was telling me how forward she is looking to the wedding. Also remember, she has infinite funds to get there. FDH and I are on the same page that, in her current state, she cannot come to this wedding. It is a small wedding to begin with (less than 60 people) and I think her coming is setting her up for failure and us for embarrassment (don’t come at me for saying that, it’s true).

FDH and I called FMIL and said we need to make a plan for Amber and how FMIL is going to talk to her, to which FMIL said, “I’m not getting involved, whatever you all do I’ll back you," and when pushed further, she said, "I'm not talking about this, I'm not involved," stonewalled us and hung up the phone. Is it just me or is this FMIL’s responsibility? She was the one who insisted on me sending a save-the-date and it is also her friend. It is clear FMIL is not going to be an adult or a good friend and is pawning it off on FDH and I, so with that being said, does anyone have any suggestions? I personally think it’s super rude to just not send an invitation without a conversation after sending a save-the-date, but is that the best option here? You would like FMIL would want to use this as an opportunity to talk to her friend and encourage her to get the help she needs, but instead, she is selfishly putting her own feelings ahead of both her friend’s well-being and our wedding.



justmakingthebest's picture

Did your save the date have the venue address? 

If it did, a conversation needs to be had- maybe with her husband to avoid the nuclear fall out. I do think it is MIL's job to do this but I personally would make the call myself to avoid the wedding shit show. 

If it didn't- make it very clear to MIL that you will hold her responsible if "Amber" shows up. That you have no problem throwing them both out because "Amber" is her mess, not yours and she is not going to ruin your wedding day. 

Make it well known throughout the family that Amber is not welcome to the wedding and is not to get the venue info.

Dads_Wife's picture

Unforunately the venue address is on the save-the-date. My sister advised also hiring 'security' to ensure if anything does happen, it does not get past the front door .I thought about saying to FMIL that if Amber shows up, they both will be asked to leave. I did already ask FMIL who is going to babysit her if she does show up because it sure as hell isn't going to be me (she was quiet and never responded). It's stressful enough planning a wedding. I am so grateful we live states away from FMIL because I couldn't handle the constant chaotic shitshow.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I wish I could send SS21's uncle-in-law, who was the BioHo Wrangler at his wedding/reception. 

Definitely follow through with having someone there to 'guard the gates'. Fingers crossed that Amber will forget about the wedding and that FMIL keeps her mouth shut. 

The_Upgrade's picture

Fingers crossed she's so loopy that she doesn't even know what year it is let alone what day. Next time you see her she'll say she's looking forward to attending your wedding....the wedding 3 years ago. One can live in hope!

simifan's picture

Personally, I think her hardships are a perfect reason not to send an invite. I am sure you feel Amber would do best recovering without the pressure of a social situation, especially one with alcohol. You certainly don't want her to feel obligated to come and risk her health.

If she's struggling with Alcoholism and Schizophrenia I wouldn't worry too much. She is not going to be coherent enough to remember and get to the wedding without assistance, especially if she bailed on treatment. 

Dads_Wife's picture

Unforunately I think she is just coherant enough because she told me so already reserved a room. She is not entirely gone, but she no longer acts appropriately in any way. I'm going to open a bottle of wine tonight, sit down with FDH and solve this by the end of this weekend. Like Gimlet said, sometimes you just have to be comfortable being the bad guy in order to get what you want. This is something I've struggled with, espeically being the scapegoat, but at the end of the day, it's about a peaceful wedding and not someone else's feelings whom I barely know.

ESMOD's picture

Since she is capable of getting there with the scant info on the save the date.. the best thing to do is direcly deal with it by contacting her and letting her know that due to circumstances beyond your control you have had to cut your guest list and are going to be unable to include her and her husband at your wedding.  You wanted her to hear from you personally vs just an impersonal card.. 

she doesn't have to know that it is only HER and HER circumstances that are causing things to trim. for all she knows covid restrictions. venue limits.. etc.. could all cause it.

OP shouldnt have to deal with the why.. but she can kindly inform her that the invitation is not forthcoming and you are sorry for not being able to host her.

MissK03's picture

How's is Amber's husband? Is he someone that you could possibly reach out to instead of Amber herself?

Dads_Wife's picture

Unforunately her husband is kind of a dirt bag because he has turned his back on her when this all started. He just lets her do whatever. His exact words were, if all she does is spend money and stay out of trouble, I don't really care. Honestly it's sad that NO ONE cares more about this woman and less about themselves to get her some substantial help.

MissK03's picture

Ahh ok. Sad situation then but, has nothing to do with you and your wedding. Your choice to not have her there and no one else's.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

My take - poor Amber. Surrounded by a bunch of users who enable her because she gives them money. However, that doesn't obligate you to have to deal with her BS at your own wedding! Or, really, any time at all. You would be completely justified in banning her from the wedding. Or, have your FDH tell his mommy dearest that she is responsible for babysitting Amber and if there are any shenanigans, you will not hesitate to have her removed. But, honestly, you shouldn't have to deal with that on your wedding day. Also, never ever let MIL manipulate you like this again. 

JRI's picture

I'd be on alert forever after about youy FMIL.   If she's like this about a friend (" Let her do what she wants because I don't want to be the bad guy and say no", ), just imagine how this could play out with your future kids.

Thumper's picture


OMG what are you going to do? 







Dads_Wife's picture

So upon thinking about it, it is technically my fault because I should have never sent a save-the-date just because FMIL requested it. I am going to talk to FMIl and tell her, while I will take care of this, I will never again take any request from her regarding anything going forward. I am writing something up that I will post later about my 'hopeful' conversation with Amber about how we all care about her and want what is best for her, but at this time, I think a wedding out of state with a bunch of strangers is not a great fit.