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BM at it again with her drama

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DH and I began talking about SD22 at dinner last night. He gets to spend a day or two a week with her and fills me in on their day (he goes to auctions every week and SD22 makes extra money by driving cars back to the lot for him). He starts to tell me that BM and SD22 aren't talking, again. Apparently BM has made up with her mini me hag of a child, SD20, so she is being cruel to mine and DH's favorite, SD22. I asked DH what happened and he said that SD22 posted a picture on facebook of herself with her BFF's 3 kids playing together. BM commented on the picture and said "you have a nephew that you should be spending time with instead of that bitches brats". Well, of course, BFF and SD22 got ticked, both of them let BM have it. Good for them. I like her BFF, she is a great mom and a great friend to SD22. And her husband treats SD22 like his little sister, he is very protective, we really like him too.
I asked DH what else SD22 said about the situation and he said "I don't know, I tuned it out after that". Go figure. Can't really say I blame him, BM is always doing something screwed up with SD22.
Why can't this hag just leave the kid alone? And why does she feel the necessity to call someone else's kids brats? She is such a miserable p.o.s.! I am so happy SD22 saw thru her crap years ago and stopped trying to be the kind of SD that sides with mommy dearest just because thats her BM. Now that the hag has started again I know what comes next. DH is sure to begin to get some text messages from BM trying to stir the pot. I'm so glad he just ignores her. She is such a pain in the butt. I wish she would take a long walk off a short pier!