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Been a while! Has anyone else seen this?!

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

So this has come up on my Facebook feed a couple of times now.

"If you marry someone who has kids from a previous relationship, those kids are now your kids and should be treated as such."

Does this make anyone else :sick: like it does me? What if BM tells those kids, "That is NOT your mom. Don't you dare treat her as such!"

This kind of crap makes me want to vomit!


Pixiegardener's picture

Right, believe me, they don't WANT to be treated like my own kid...they want me to respect that they already HAVE a mom. Most kids get sick of two parents, let alone "extras"...

Cover1W's picture

A woman who has seen me commute sometimes with SD10 told me one day, when SD10 wasn't there, "Your daughter is so cute and so smart!" I responded, "Oh, she's not my daughter, my step daughter." Woman, "oh, but it's the same thing." I didn't answer for a few seconds then said, "Yes she's super cute and smart and a pretty good kid." I think she got the point.

Aeron's picture

Thankfully no, but I did have to unfollow someone because every other week or so she would post some long rambling gag worthy nonsense about how she loves and treats her SS and DS Exactly the same and can't respect anyone that wouldn't do the same. Because well, she's been in ss's life since he was an embryo and they've had full custody since 3 months and she's PASed the kid against his mom. But sure, her situation is totally normal, what everyone is dealing with and we should all completely emulate that..... Just like we should all emulate her punctuality - she was late to everything and when I say everything (we worked together) I mean she was even 2.5 hours late to her own wedding. And that was when she finally hit the parking lot - she still had to come inside and get dressed.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

It's truly amazing to me how people think the stepkids are somehow the most important people in a family. I got into a debate over on another message boards about step families and made the comment that it wasn't right for the SM to be treated like a second class citizen in her own home and I was taken to task for saying the father and stepkids house was the SM's house. I pointed out that she lives there full time and the kids in question only visited EOWE or whatever it was but the old "the kids come first, he had kids when she married him" nonsense came out and then it was all over.

I just truly do not get it. Do what's best for the kids, yes, but don't let them rule the roost. Hell, my own mother has told me SD's desires to be the center of attention and eat up all of DH's time and energy should come before my DD. Umm....she's a stepkid too but does anyone care about that? Nope. SD is the important one.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

I hear ya. SD5 lives with us full time. Despite that fact, she has a tendency to hang all over DH. For example, when we go to see him at work she will be standing there demanding 5 or 6 hugs and trying to sit on his lap and lean against him and asking for multiple kisses. It's just constant. It gets to the point where I grab her and pull her back to where the rest of us are standing.

Drives me crazy.

FrenchPeas's picture

Effe them all. Had my skids been my kids they would have been better people lmao not the horrid shits they are.

CA1117's picture

I've haven't seen this floating around FB but I'm surprised I have not. I have a at least one friend who feels this way about her skids. What people like this don't realize is that not everyone feels that way about their skids, whether they are a nightmare to deal with or not. My DH's daughter is not a bad kid, especially compared to some of the stuff I've read on here. But I have no real desire to be an active step parent. I just want more an aunt / uncle role I guess. I will be there if I'm needed but that's it.

That's why I'm so grateful I found this site because you can't tell everyone your real feelings. If you do, you get treated like some monster with some mental defect for not being head over heels in love with your skid not wanting to be a mother to them.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

You know, in a perfect world, with sane skids and sane BM, I could see that. But when so many of us have the crazy BMs who create so many problems, both directly and indirectly through the kids, for us that is just so unlikely to happen.