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Need Help....

stronggirl's picture

So my SS13 has not been coming over. We have him EOW but he keeps making excuses as to why he cannot be with us on his Dads weekend. So I have issues with DH because he works on Sat and up until this last fall I would pick up SS on Sat morning. After lots of trouble and problems with SS and BM I told DH that he needed to pick SS up himself after work on Sat....I also told DF that this would also continue this summer. We have a lake house (3 hours away) that we use a lot in the summer and it seems that SS only wants to be with us when we are going there or doing something that is expensive. We have a BS3 together and SS always seems to hurt BS, so I try now to keep them apart. So this is SS13 weekend and he is making excuses about coming over tonight and so BF and I talked last night and he said that SS wants to spend more time in the summer with us, I told BF that I was going to be staying at the Lake (I am off in the summer) and I told BF that this was not happening and if SS wanted to come to the Lake that he would have to bring him down with him....Big Fight. He had agreed to this about 2 months ago. He has already told SS that this was okay and I would take him. I told him (which I got from here) that any decisions that included this household or money he has to talk with me first. There is a reason I do not go get can get the jest of it from my other posts...but I do not think that it is fair that I have to be summer babysitter and entertainer for my SS...don't get me wrong, I love him, but he has severe ADHD and per his BM is not on any meds and he just wears me out. He is 13 but acts like he is 8. You cannot even have a normal conversation, even about kid things with him because he is so immature. I am not trying to be mean and I have tried for 6 years to have a relationship with him, but it does not work and I keep trying. My solution was working much better, I have them go do father son stuff on Sundays and I keep our BS here since SS has so many issues with BS. But I cannot entertain him all summer without his father........How do I get this thru his head and still stay married. It drives me crazy how much my husband changes his mind without talking to me, I understand that it is his son but I did not marry to be a babysitter....It would be different it my husband would be there at the Lake but he only has Tuesdays and Sundays off, so really how much time is he going to spend with his son???? He normally comes down Sat night and we all leave on Sunday night....How do I tell him in a good way that I am not doing this?


unknown's picture

SS12 and biodaughter 1 year. SS12 makes excuses not to come over and i know why. because at his age, he wants to be near his friends. and at our house, he has made no effort to make new friends in our area and it's b o r i n g for him. not my fault. yet, i sympathize with you. the bulk of the responsibility falls yet again on the SM's shoulders. feeding, entertaining, supervising these skids. and yet, when it comes to outlining some requests of our own, it's met with negativity that reflects poorly on you. like you are a mean SM or something. unfair. if you ask me, very unfair. if i were you, be glad he's finding reasons not to come over. as for the summer thing - do not, i repeat, do not agree to supervise this kid at the lake. this is not your responsibility. it should be shared at the most with DH. my SS12 doesn't go out of his way to harm my biodaughter, however, he actively ignores her, purposely avoids her...this irritates me beyond belief as he told me the other day that he wishes he were an 'only child.' i was disgusted and felt sorry for him weirdly at the same time. we had a conversation about family and teh value of siblings. then i told him, 'how would you feel if your baby sister said the same thing about YOU?' he said nothing. whatever. i'm so tired of his poor me attitude. how are the grandparents in your situation? involved? do they spoil the SS b/c they feel bad for him? this is what is happening here. and it's pathetic. and when he doesn't get 'babied' at our house (by me, his dad sure does though), he pouts and sulks ALL day. it's revolting at times. stand your ground. you are not a maid. you are not a cook. you are not a daycare worker.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

stronggirl's picture

Yes, his mothers parents baby him because they feel so bad for him, you know what an awful life he has...which makes it worse. And yes you are right I have been very happy this winter with SS not coming over, and to actually say this makes me have so much guilt but it is too hard. It does sound like we are in the same boat...I am thinking about just packing and leaving on the spur of the moment to the lake when school is out....It would be different if the relationship was different but he does not respect anything and the lake house has been passed from my parents to me, and he will trash anything and we do not have the money to replace makes me sick.......

thanks for responding it is nice to know someone understands.....

unknown's picture

i feel bad that you feel guilty. i feel lots of guilt. and i think this stems from the expectation society has of women. that we are supposed to be naturally nurturing and loving toward ALL children, whether they belong to us or not. again, if the roles were reversed....anyway, i digress.

consider buying the book i bought which is helping me IMMENSELY. it's called 'the englightened stepmom: revolutionzing the role'. this book is written from the stepmother's perspective TO stepmoms everywhere. it sympathizes with our role yet also provides really really valuable insight into 'why' the fathers behave a certain way, how you can handle yourself in certain situations to preserve your own sanity and dignity. basically it helps you be a step mom without being stepped on. (hence my signature tag line...)

i found it on ebay. are you considering or wanting more biokids? is your bio son your only biochild? i ask this b/c in our household, i am expected to be 'satisfied' with the two children, one bio and one SS12. this is unfair again, i believe of them to ask this of me. it's a real sticky point with my DH and I. i told him, the day i consider SS12 my own son is the day he considers me his mother. would that be realistic to expect of this child? no. so don't ask it of me. end of story.

good luck my friend. keep us updated and always remember, your presence in this child's life is a gift not a hinderance and people need to remember this.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

stronggirl's picture

I am wanting another child (I only have one bio child) and yes my husband flip flops on this, I want to get pregnant in August, I will have insurance for pregnancy then and depending on the day my husband will agree or disagree. He also feels that I should be happy with our 2 "kids"....It took my father dieing for my step-son to call him Grandpa. one day we were riding in the car and my SS says something about his Aunt Shelia...I asked him how long his bio-uncle had been married to aunt shelia...he says 2 years. I blow a gasket..I have never asked him to call me anything but my name....but I did ask him to call my parents Grandma and Grandpa...he expects them to treat him like a grandchild when it comes to birthdays and holidays and of the Lake, but he always called them by their name. I always felt this was rude. So I told him that it was crap that she was his Aunt (bio uncles 2nd marriage) only after 2 years and he could not even show enough respect to treat my parents better after 6 years....Then dad died and he started calling them Grandma and Grandpa...I think that this might have been the only fight when nobody had anything to say back, they knew I had a point and they both kept quiet.

stronggirl's picture

another no stress weekend....SS is not coming over, he wants to hang out with his Uncle..lie lie lie...because what they don't know is that we know he is packing because on monday they are being evicted yet again...why a nonworking BM would think that she could afford $1400 a month to RENT A HOUSE, WHEN SHE HAD JUST (OCTOBER 2007) BEEN EVICTED FROM A $900 MONTH DUPLEX IS BEYOND ME.....But I got off subject...^^^^^^^ that is my happy dance!!

laurels4u's picture

Are you relieved when he doesn't come on his weekends? I know how frustrating, annoying, and even devastating it is for our DHs when their children blatantly lie to them. But it almost sounds as if the boy really doesn't care if he comes or not and if he's being forced to visit, he must be a real barrel of fun to deal with while he's there.

The BM just sounds blatantly ignorant. She's the reason your DH's son is the way he is. She only associates happiness with money, so SS thinks being at the lake is far more fun because it sounds far more rich. My DH's son is exactly the same. I'm not even going off an a tangent on that subject. We all know it happens.....whoever buys the kid the most, the kid likes the best. The kid only goes where he'll get the most or best things.

You think your DH is awful on the biokids thing? You should have heard mine on the topic when we got serious and started talking marriage. Luckily, I never wanted any more children after I reached a certain age (which I had hit well before I started dating him). But it was fun at first to tease him about wanting more biokids. He had every excuse in the book why we couldn't have more.....his health, our ages, the kids' ages, money, freedom. He even went so far as to try to blame it on my DD saying she'd die from not being in the center of attention or getting her way all of the time. She called his bluff and said BS, I want you and my mom to have a baby together since you love one another so much. Turns out HIS son was the one who didn't want the baby so his father took on that whole attitude because Precious didn't want another baby around. Tell me that isn't just the most absurd case of a child controlling a parent!?!? Anyhow, after we married, Precious started demanding a dog, and I said no way. You didn't want a baby and a dog is worse than taking care of a baby, so absolutely not. I didn't want a dog either but figured I'd use his logic right back on him instead of making me look even more like the evil SM. So, now the kid is moving to his mother's, because she'll get him a dog and she also won't have any more babies because she's been spayed.

stronggirl's picture

I am very relieved when SS does not come over, it is so stressful, waiting for the fight or big blow up....DH is in complete denial..I told him that he did not want to come over and he got in an arguement with SS over the phone telling him that this is the last Fing weekend...great...I told DH that he has said this 4 times and unless there is something that he loses or does not get to do he will keep doing it because he is getting what he wants...DH did not get it.....

Are you happy he is moving out.....Yes yes yes....What do you bet that the dog is a short fix and he either wants to come back or the dog goes bye bye....

see the sun in all cause that is all there is......