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blocked from facebook

stronggirl's picture

Hello all, it has been awhile...but have a question. My SS14 had me and his father blocked from his facebook account. we would mention it in passing and he would always say that his mother did this, and then go on to explain how he has only blocked one person before and it wasn't us. so if you know facebook you know that when u block someone you see the list of who you have blocked...well he finally unblocked his father but not me. so i was on his father account sending him pics of himself on his 4-wheeler...father asked me to do this and i was a pick from janurary and the comment on it from his mother said...oh i miss these times except the drama from your so called father and your step-monster....well even though his mother put it on there he has left it wonder I am blocked.....and honestly i am a little pissed considering life is going well for us and we have been able to get the family things that we have never had...even got him a cell phone with unlimited everything...but i am still blocked and a step monster...ideas on how to move my feelings past being pissed?


Anon2009's picture

Maybe you could try talking to him, or having DH do so. I also don't think it could hurt for DH to have a chat with BM. Maybe she's not allowing SS to unblock you, and he doesn't want to get in trouble with her ( not saying that excuses it).

stronggirl's picture

No, i have thought of that and it is why I haven't made a big deal out of it before...but that was before her calling me a step-monster and him leaving it...and then telling what cars he wants in a year........pisses me off

No Regrets is crap, they will always remember how you made them feel...

Most Evil's picture

Facebook seems to be a passive-aggressive's dream. Our SD wrote really ugly stuff about her dad on hers and then friended my little relative her age, who told us about it! When DH told her to take it off, she and BM claimed it was creative writing and is protected by the Constitution or some shit. We said, get a lawyer cause you're gonna need one!

But after that I realized, no one is reading these kids blogs anyway, its not like they are movie stars or something. I am opposed to all these social networks though because of the sneaky, hurtful way people use them though. If SS wants to call you a stepmonster and your DH sees it and allows it too, SS would get NO car from me!! That's how THAT works, tell SS to explain that to his mom who thinks its cute too Wink
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

stronggirl's picture

that is good...I like it....yea I know that probably her family and some of his friends saw that but they dont know who i am and i dont give a crap about is just so seems as if DH has raised the level of hurt that i am susposed to take from him

smnikki's picture

i would be pissed off too, but honestly ss has blocked you, so obviously he doesnt want you to see the shitty things bm says. bm looks so imature and pathetic by posting such a thing for people to see. i dont know how your relationship is with ss other wise, but this was some thing bm did not ss. has dh seen it? maybe you should address it with dh and see how he feels, it is about him too.

Anon2009's picture

I agree, maybe SS blocked her to prevent her from having to see what BM and her family say about her.

However, I do think SS owes it to her to explain why he blocked her. If he blocked her to prevent her from seeing the derogatory things BM says about her, then I applaud him for realizing that BM is acting immaturely. If BM is forcing him to keep SM blocked, then she deserves the blame for that too. If he's keeping SM blocked to be mean, then he should get in trouble for it.

I also think a lot of it is typical teen stuff. I have seen the facebook pages of my SDs' friends and I'm truly appalled by what a lot of these kids write/have written. Most teens don't like their parents and are now bashing them via facebook. I think that they think of facebook in the same way that we think of steptalk.

SoTired1's picture

One main thought comes to my mind. You are where SS's BM wishes she still was. You have what she wishes she still had. Perhaps, it's easier said than done but I wouldn't concern myself that your SS removed you from his FB. The good news is that he added his father back to his FB (it's important that he has a relationship with his father; be happy for your husband). I have a SS10 & his BM hates my guts 'literally' [my SS told me this; but of course I was already aware of the fact]. During the course of 7-years, BM has done numerous things to not only disrespect but also, she's excluded me countless times & lied on me repeatedly. I guess it comes with the territory of a bitter & scorned woman. When my SS is at our home, he expresses his love & respect for me (deeply). When he returns to his home with his BM, he never asks about me or mention my name to my husband. It used to hurt me but as I put things in perspective, I realized that my SS was actually smart by doing all he can to keep the peace. So, whatever you do, try not to personalize your SS's actions. . . he lives with & loves his BM unconditionally & he has to do all in his ability to keep the peace with his mother. I hope this helps you to feel better.

Karma_'s picture

She thinks she's clever, but really she's a coward. Big words from someone who thinks she is safe because you won't see it. Show your DH, but I wouldn't say anything about it to SS or BM. Tuck it away in your ammunition file and smirk quietly to yourself about how BM's effort to put you down behind your back only shows how insecure she actually is.

life84's picture

I agree with Karma. Let it go. She's saying mean things behind your back and we're all no stranger to that. If he doesn't want to allow you to be his friend on FB so what. BM has probably said way worse things to others as I know my SKs BM has me. As long as SS isn't disrespecting you to your face and or in your home, it's alright.

Totalybogus's picture

She really shouldn't be denegrating the boys second family and certainly not his own father. I'm not sure what kind of custody you guys have but usually there is language in the CO that requires that parents do not say anything to the child about the other parent. She actually publicly wrote it. It doesn't matter how you saw it, I disagree that it shouldn't be addressed. BM needs to understand that you and dad are a team. What is his is yours and you will see and know everything he sees and knows. I think you and your husband should sit down with the boy and let him know that your feelings are hurt, not by what she wrote because you really don't care what she thinks of you, but that he left it up there and you DO care what he thinks of you.

Then dad should address this with his x. She is behaving like an immature twit. She needs to be told that.

Lilly's picture

What a total bitch she is, using her son's facebook to spread negative things. Now all his friends can see it, "SO CALLED, STEPMONSTER. Im would be having a heart attack, The only comment I would reply from your DH facebook, is
"Please keep negative comments off our sons FB, this is not the place"
Make her look like the ass.

So BM DH are on your SS facebook and your blocked, well Im not surprised about that, my ss is 14 also and he will not be my friend. He is friends with everyone else including my sister but not me.

Block BM, dont let her get the pleasure of seeing your pictures.

LotusFlower's picture

Do what we did....have a JUDGE tell this dumbass that SS14 is a minor and his father has a legal right to monitor his on-line activities in this deceptive world we live in....either yur DH gets access, or she is court ordered to ensure that child has no "on-line" social accounts without BOTH parents having access to same. But then again, we also needed a judge to tell her to NOT post pics of the children on these sites where she goes to meet all kinds of low life men...go figure....

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

LotusFlower's picture

I wouldn't "let it go" as some have stated....if u have a BM like mine....she will be the FIRST one to blame u and DH should something go wrong as a result of yur SS's on-line activities.....jmo based on my experiences.....I have learned that with a crazy BM u truly haveta legally cover yur ass at all times...I wouldn't be confortable was on-line and I was not permitted to monitor it....good luck!!!!

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

iwishyouwould's picture

I dont want to sound unsympathetic, but its pretty cool that you were on his facebook in the first place. He's just getting to really really be a teenager... when I was a teenager, i did everything I could to keep my parents away from my friends and my social life and my life outside of them. dont get me wrong, i loved my parents and had a pretty good relationship with them... but i think thats just what teenagers do. maybe hes gettin to be a teenager and told you that bm blocked you (which she couldnt do unless she had his password and account information) cause he didnt want you on his page but he also loves you and didnt want to hurt your feelings. maybe im dead wrong, but its a thought.

herewegoagain's picture

I would post as your husband...whatever it is he asked you to post...and end it with...
"I have the best wife in the world...or I love XXX..." hehe...or something to tick her off...pathetic pieces of garbage some of them are...geez...
I would also print it and next time the witch harrasses your husband, you can use it in court as "PAS" because she is indeed trying to alienate your husband by speaking badly about you as well...