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Holiday Weekend

stronggirl's picture

So, my DH forgot on Easter that it was his holiday and I refuse to treat him like a child and remind him of everything, so I let it go. This is our weekend coming up but not our holiday but of course DH is going to fight for Monday....and here comes the problem...I told him "great just let him know what time you will be picking him up on Sat after work"...My mother and our BS3 will be leaving for the lake Friday at 3:30pm.....and the fight started because I would not agree to take SS13 down with us...We have had this fight on and off for over a year and he will agree sometimes that I am not his saturday babysitter but then when the actual weekend comes he becomes all would be different if SS13 and BM and I had a great realtionship but it is awful....She puts these really nasty blogs about me on MySpace and her title is that she hopes I get in a car crash...I have always worried that she will make up some story about what happens when SS13 is with me when DH is at work.....Every holiday weekend at the lake is so exhausting because SS13 has ADHD and is not on any meds...BM says that she is doing organic treatment with food...could not tell you what that means because she has never told us what is on his diet....He has ignored his father all winter and made excuses as to why he cannot come over or why he did not want to come over and now that it is opening weekend for fun times at the lake he wants to be nice to me and come down with me....NO...I am sorry I am not going to be his entertainment whenever he feels like he wants to be around...I am so sick of being made to feel guilty....I need a way to make myself feel guilt free.......ideas???


frustratedinMA's picture

Just chant.. No my kid, not my problem. I would explain to dh that you want some time to bond w/bs3.. that you wont have time to do that if you have all your attention being focused elsewhere. That he can get a sitter for while he is at work.. and he and SS13 can use the little time alone for some bonding of their own.

unknown's picture

a 13 year old ADHD child with a BM that wants you DEAD is not something i would sign up for either. tell him that. when he straightens out his mess better; tell him you'll think about it.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

stronggirl's picture

a 13 year old ADHD child with a BM that wants you DEAD.... never thought of it in those exact terms......