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8 adult step-chitlins and my 14 mos old-God HELP ME PLEASE

stressed8's picture

I will try to make a long story-short. I have been praying ALOT, I must be impateint because I am not seeing any change(s). The more time goes by, my husband's name calling and actions are just getting worse and I am at my witts end. I am hopeful for advice (any really) and to know I can "vent" without more arguing. Thank you in advance.
My husband is now 57, I am 41. His previous marriage 7 sons, 1 daughter ranging from 37 to 19 yrs.old. We have been together 10 yrs now. After their divorce, his wife remarried soon after, aound 2004ish. We just stayed togther and Jan 2008 bought a house together 50/50 on deed etc. I found out 2 weeks before the signing of house, it was only 2 houses down from his x. His reasoning, was if I liked the house enough, it shouldn't matter where it was or who near-okay, the 2 youngest boys lived there at the time and the rest in Mass. In 2010, I was on unemployment and of course became depressed. He is 100% disabled from military, so he is home too. I don't know what exactly why, he doesn't want to discuss it. So one thing lead to another and I thought for sure we would split and sell the house,somewhere in the midst, he told me he couldn't imagine his life without me. (I told him, I started seeing someone)I started back to work and that Jan 2011, he asked me to marry him, my hopeful ass said yes. Things were really nice for a while, we planned our wedding in that May, BUT I found out in March I was pregnant! Shocker believe me, he said he didn't want anymore (than the 8)and I was older and into my career. Anyway, in Nov 2011 we had a baby girl. Now, he always likes to tell me "how" things should be done with the baby because he had 8, but it is always at the tip of my tongue -you weren't there the whole time and never even changed 1 diaper! I had to work until my contract ended so while the baby was 2 mos old, he had to watch her during the day. Believe me, I heard all about it.
Back to the Skids, #7 lived with us for a little while, I hated it with a new born, he went out to Mass to live with his siblings but didn't like it. My husband told him he could stay here for a couple weeks-THEN- now it is "don't you dare leave" because I don't like the situation at all and can not say anything-ever, there is never a good time or it turns into an arguement and the name calling and what I call "solitaty confinement". He totally ignores me with shut doors and everything. So it is over 2 months now and #7 still lives in my cellar, under my and baby's bedroom.Of course, apying/doing nothing. ( hub and I don't sleep in same room anymore) So I so hear the xbox going until all hours in the am.
I can't say anything at all anymore or it turns into an arguement and now he says, he is at the point of 14 mos old and I leaving! oh and my dog part lab/border collie, that he hates. I had to get rid of 2 cats I had for him/this house. One cat, I had 18 yrs! Now he tells me if I make his son uncomfortable and leave, my dog will go too-somewhere. She was in part of our getting the house, regardless of what he ever tells anyone. I spent $4000 on a fence to keep her in and not on a collar anymore. I just hate this feeling of dread and hopelessness- when I should be receiving edification and love from my husband. I told him we should go to a councelor, he told me I had to, that he doesn't do anything wrong. Man, hind sight is ,,,, I have so many words that come to mind, I probably can't write them. It breaks my heart to see my baby girl see me cry so much and I just feel "trapped" now. His older kids call or are here when ever and ask for money,etc. and he gives it to them! He has called me so many bad/wrong names-that a husband shouldn't. I am not perfect and never claimed to be but man, I never saw these "wars" coming-his adult kids vs. me. I never wanted to be a "statistic" and hoped marriage would be great-both ways and forever. Now, I worry about my daughter, in this messed up world and don't want it to be worse,if she doesn't have her dad around. (as little as it is-he is stuck to computer) Any help/advice/comments are surely grateful and sorry so long. I don't know where to start or what I have to/can do first. He has control of the vehicle, in his name,etc. This is all just so messed up and sad, I am sorry, I am in shock too I think.


Anon2009's picture

Follow BMs lead and get out of there. And maybe see if the police can help you get out of there and make sure he doesn't act out while you're getting your and your DDs things out of that he11 hole.

Find friends or family to stay with. Even if they live far away. Or go to a shelter. Contact NY's Dept. of Health and Mental Services and seek out any and all resources you think may help you and dd.

Lots of (((HUGS))) to you.

stressed8's picture

I did leave the day after xmas- for 4 days until he started threatening me to get my daughter. I never threatened anything- the whole reason for my leaving was another arguement and the silent treatment, so during that, I had my sister come and get me, the baby and my dog-I even left a note that I love him and all things work for good, hoping the time away he MIGHT see his way(s) and mine. It back fired and he just became more angry. I am in a place where I don't know what/when and how to do? My family definately wants for us to be safe,happy etc., I am always told I am wrong and have been torn down to not knowing what is right and what is wrong now. I so don't want for my baby girl to be brought up into this mess and don't know how/if I can even get him to a councelor.

stressed8's picture

I keep reading Romans 8:28, all things work for good. I am weak, impatient and sooo not knowing what/when to do, so this is so frustrating-to say the least. Thank you so much

Krispey Kreme's picture

Both people in a marriage need to behave and treat each other according to the Word, not just the wife. Your husband's behavior towards you is abusive and abuse of any kind is a deal breaker. If you have explained to him that his behavior is unacceptable to you and yet he refuses to go to counseling to work it out in an honest way, there's not much you can do, except go to counseling yourself to help you put this in perspective and make a plan on what to do about the situation. I hope you don't stay there until you are so broken down you can't think straight anymore. A lot of women do and it is so unneccessary.

By the way, I know you mean well, but you are setting a very bad example for your daughter. She needs to see that a woman isn't to be abused and that it is okay to stand up for yourself and even walk away if someone treats you badly.

God gave you a beautiful daughter to love and protect and He gave you a brain to think with. I urge you to get counseling, with or without him. And I urge you to stand up for yourself, set the right example for your daughter and move forward without him if he refuses to honor his wife like he should. It isn't easy, but living under those circumstances is a soul killer. Don't fall for his threats of taking the baby away from you. The odds of that happening are slim to none. Hugs to you, be careful around him if you think he may be physically abusive and good luck!

stressed8's picture

Thank you so much for your advice. I am seeking a counselor, he still will not go. He maintains a good Godly wife should be submissive and supportive of all his decisions-incl that of HIS adult kids and that I shouldn't add more stress to him, than they already have/do. He maintains this is all my fault-soooo depressing

stressed8's picture

Thank you SO much for hearing me! You brought tears (more) to my eyes, but hopeful tears. I do want the marriage to work, but also know it takes 2. Once you take that vow, it is SUPPOSED to be forever, I thought, hoped and believed, anyway. Thank you again, I believe God gave me my daughter so I wouldn't be alone-fleshly,emotionally- I am blessed and have to believe if for nothing else, our marriage gave me, my baby girl.

Lalena75's picture

God helps those who help themselves. He can't take your baby from you that's what lawyers and court orders are for. He is emotionally and mentally abusing you.
I fully believed in my marital vows I fought tooth and nail to save my previous marriage, I finally gave up when I realized the mental abuse was just getting worse and I wanted to die, dreaded every moment of interaction with him. I finally locked the deadbolt to the house (we'd never had the key) so he knew what that meant.
It was the best decision I'd made since having my dd (he didn't want kids at the time she was a surprise) I'm now a year from college graduation, I'll be testing for the second step of my license, and have a world open to me again. My kids are happier, they even have stated that their dad and I divorcing was the best thing for all 4 of us.
Help yourself, god will guide you but you have to do the work no one else can.