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torn between 2

annie66's picture

IVe been married for 8 years. My husband took on my 2 children 11 and 14 at the time. My son is now 23 and my husband is always down on him and totally ignores him. He made a bad judgement when he was 18 and my husband has never forgiven him. I cant mention his name or it ends up in a row. My son has been diagnosed clinicly depressed but yet my husband laughs at this. My son gas done whatever he can to help heal this "hatred" but nothing works. I dont know what else to do. My son stays out.of the house as much as he can so an no arguements can happen. Im not allowed to spend any money on him or give him money. Even when he had a job it made no difference. Its sad to see the difference he makes between my son and daughter. She can do no wrong but yet when my son came home lasr night and went upstairs, my husband turned of the internet so my son couldnt use his laptop or his ps3. Can anybody offer me advice as i cant take this anymore.


Not the Brady Bunch's picture


hurtandalone's picture

There are things that I have already decided if my skids do I will never forgive. It sounds like your son did something to that equivalent to your DH and he has that same boundary. Furthermore, besides for whatever he did, your DH now has to live with his individual in his household. Can't reply more then that without knowing what he did.