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The Spawn liked me until her Mother met me

Stressed Out Mom's picture

When my boyfriend and I began dating it was like love at first sight. We both had children so we understood each other. His daughter liked me very much and I liked her. I was excited about being around a little girl. I have a son. When my boyfriend asked me and my son to move in, I was so happy. The spawn appeared to be happy and enjoyed attention from me. The day her Mom met me I knew there would be problems. I could just tell by the way she looked me up and down sizing me up. I noticed when the spawn came over all of the sudden she became rude and very needy with her dad. Her dad and I knew right away that she was being coached by the mother. THe change in the child was like night and day. Now things are pretty bad. She is more needy than ever, as I've mentioned in my other blogs. Let me fill you in on what is happening with the mom.She has gone as far as to tell my boyfriend that if he has anything to do with me that he will not see his daughter. THat never happened. And I knew it wouldnt because she is a very lazy mom and is always pawning her child off on anybody.She is not a nurturing parent. My boyfriend has pretty much been the mom and the dad to this child.So the mom cheated on him with the neighbor. I guess she was kind of coming and going as she pleased like a teenager the last year they were together. When my son and I moved in, my boyfriend told her she could no longer treat his home like a revolving door. She was forced to move in with the guy whom she was cheating with for 3 year. THis really pissed her off. She very much is the type of person that wants to have her cake and eat it too. My boyfriend has tried to get her to sign divorce papers so they would not have to spend alot of money with attorney fees in court. She would not. Its was like she was holding him hostage. He finally got an attorney. THat pissed her off. Mean while she had a baby with her boyfriend whom already has two kids that he abandoned.She still wont sign anything. She is not working, and really has no means to take care of any child. Her boyfriend works at his dads shop when he feels like it. My boyfriend is going for full custody.She seems to think this is a joke and is not taking any of it serious. We have a feeling she will not even show up to the court dates. Wich is fine cause he will be granted everything he is asking for if she misses 2 court appearences.She complains about me constantly to my boyfriend. She teaches her daughter how to lie. She coaches her and gets in her head. Its been rough. Mean while the spawn's behaivor is getting out of control.I feel she needs therapy. She is very bossy. Mostly with her dad. Its like he is her personal puppet. She likes to create seperatoin in the household between her dad and I. She is more attention starved than any child Ive ever experienced.I fear that she needs so much attention she will cling onto the first boyfriend she has and go through a teen pregnancy. Her father gives her an over abondance of attention but its never enough. And if she does not get the kind of attentoin she wants she acts horrible.I have told my boyfriend what I think. He has made several changes with her respecting my thoughts. But she does not like when her dad takes control and tells her what to do. she challenges him all the time in such a disrespectful way. I think she needs time outs and a good swat on the behind. In one year her behaivor has gotton worse. THere are days I cant be around her. My son goes to his room cause he gets very mad that she is like this. He says stuff like Mom you never let me get away with stuff like that.I feel bad that he has to watch her inapropiate tactics.


Auteur's picture

Welcome! And sorry you are going through this. I think most of us have gone through this. I know I have to the billioneth degree!! Skids are accepting of us SMs until PASinator BM infiltrates their minds and warp their brains.

Then the BM starts being her kid's FRIEND and not a PARENT. Which, in way, make the children "LOVE" her, but in reality, we all know children need a parental figure and the security of boundaries and rules. . .which the BM totally abandons.

Then the dominos start falling b/c biodad doesn't want to be an "ogre" when his children are around, so discipline goes out the windows.

And the rest is history. Either way, everything gets blamed on the SM, as biodad should have never DARED to move on now that he has spawn from a previously enjoyed va jay jay.

Stressed Out Mom's picture

VERY disruptive and annoying.Ive been trying to find healthy ways to let her know she does not need to do this.But everything goes in one ear and out the other. She dont listen to me or her dad.But her moms word is like bible scripture to her. REally makes me sick!