I hate having to lie
So (I) have SS5 full time and he sees BM on weekends. I said (I ) because dh works alot of overtime. Anyway, ss5 has no school next week for the WHOLE week. So I told dh I'm going out of town to visit family for a couple days next week (lie) and really would like if you got bm on board so she can keep her son for the week. Now if I don't say anything, he would be more than happy for ss5 to be with me all week. I hate to lie, but if I say he has no school he should be with bm, he'll catch a attitude. I have ss all week, every week and need breaks from him! And I hate that dh even has to "ask" bm to take him on school vacations. It's only fair, plus Bm has no job so WTF? Me lying is the only thing that works and keep the peace. But why should I even have to do that? I just wish Dh would take the initiative and say ok my sons off from school, I'm going to be working let me call bm and get her on board. I hate this
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How old is SS? I am usually
How old is SS? I am usually glad to have my SS when we're not supposed to (of course we currently do not have the primary custody) because it makes me realize I am a better and more committed mom than his BM ever will be.
Oh Stpmum, I can completely
Oh Stpmum, I can completely relate! I guess you are fortunate because BM lives close enough to be able to do that...although, she should obviously offer because she WANTS to watch HER child.
BM Nasty lives 4 states away, so any time aside from her week or less per year (her choice btw) is my only break time (aside from when MIL takes the SKids).
I'm guessing that your DH catches attitude because obviously (not), you should LOVE spending all of your time with SS, just like he does...what they (CP BD's) don't seem to get is that WE need breaks from the SKids. Sadly, the only ones that seem to get those breaks are the BM's themselves due to the fact that they are crappy parents who just don't care.
I hope you get your week off
good luck! My SKids are going to MIL's since they are out of school & I'm not 
Omg, someone that can relate!
Omg, someone that can relate! I just wanted someone to tell me I wasn't being unreasonable. Thanks
Ive lied to get "breaks"
Ive lied to get "breaks"
Oh yes, the outsource the kid
Oh yes, the outsource the kid syndrom.
Your Skid's BM wants to outsource the raising of your child and this role has fallen to you.
No, you are NOT being unreasonable.
Just as pathetic is the NCP who takes "visitation" with the child then dumps the kid with someone else.
Based on your comments about your Skid's BM I doubt she keeps him when he is supposed to be visiting her.
For 17+ years my SS-19 was forced to fly to SpermLand 3x per year for SpermIdiot visition only to rarely see his SpermIdiot and to be dumped on SpermGrandMa, the GreatSpermGrandParents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, etc.......
Out of 7wks/yr of SpermClan visitation my SS spent a few hours with the SpermIdiot on a few days on each of summer visitaton (5wks), winter visitation (1wk) and spring break visitation (1wks). and at best spent 3 full days a year with the DipShit.
So out of 7wks (1176 hrs +/-) of visitation per year, at most my SS saw his BioDad about 219 hours.
He was used as a pawn to try to control my wife, he was used as a free baby sitter/day care for his three younger also oowl SpermIdiot half sibs by two more baby mamas. He was bitched at for being spoiled, bitched at for the CS that was paid for his support (all by SpermGrandMa btw, DickHead never paid a penny), bitched at for having nice things that his SpermIdiot half sibs could not, etc, etc, etc.... and most aggrivating of all you might ask?
Repeatedly the bottom 10%er of the legal profession family court judges would rule "any child would be blessed to have the love and support of this family" when we would bring incontrivertalbe proof of our son being neglected, rarely seeing his BioDad, etc.... :jawdrop:
I can tell you that rather than spend 1176 hrs/yr with the toxic vitriolic SpermClan I would rather do bong hits on the tail pipe of my running automobile and even now 18mos after my son aged out from under the CO the history of the situation pisses me off.
"I can tell you that rather
"I can tell you that rather than spend 1176 hrs/yr with the toxic vitriolic SpermClan I would rather do bong hits on the tail pipe of my running automobile"
^^^ This is just beautiful. Love it.
Ohhh yes...I know that one!
Ohhh yes...I know that one! You are not wrong, I was not wrong iether when I called BM to come get her brats since I was ill. I had a migraine, they were buck assed wild and beyond anyone's control and not taking medicines. I made DH take them to work with him too! #u@K that shit! I am not the babysitter. Barely 10 years old (twins...boy and girl) and hyper as hell and just acting out because they knew I was not going to deal with them...pushing me to the limit, let their parents take care of it! I told BM 'get your ass over here and take your brats with you!' She did! My headache was cured!
OOPSIE my bad...
BM doesn't have custody
BM doesn't have custody because she doesn't WANT custody. She rather him just live with us because it makes her life easier. She also has a daughter that lives with her father too and she dosent see her at all! The only reason she gets ss5 on weekends is because 1) she doesn't want dh to take her to court for child support and 2) She doesn't want her girlfriend to think she is a complete deadbeat. Other than that she could give two shits about her son
If BM's willing to take him,
If BM's willing to take him, then he should go! And no reason why you should have to lie to get him there.
Agree. You will be lying for
Agree. You will be lying for a very long time...