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mad mad mad mad

sterlingsilver's picture

I'm not sure how I feel right now, mostly shock and some relief. Shock is described in a sorta numb, this is not happening to us feeling, and the relief is described in that I am relieved that DH is now getting the help he needs. We talked to the doc this morning and DH has Hodgkins Lymphoma. It's not very advanced and we'll be able to treat with chemo. So next week we start treatments.

It's a mad mad mad mad world. :sick:

One benefit to all this crap with DH is that it's making ss15 and the stinky shit tzu not so bad afterall b/c I am not even noticing them much lately.


BSgoinon's picture

Feel mad. You have every right to feel mad. And then...take all of that anger an funel in to determination. You will need all of the strength you can muster up to help your DH through chemo. It is a tough road, but you guys can do this.

Stay strong. I will be praying for you both.

sterlingsilver's picture

dtzy i truly believe ^that^ too. All of a sudden the things we used to argue about are small to me. In fact, I don't want to take the time to get my panties in a bunch anymore and I certainly don't want dh to get his BP up over silly things. This morning while sitting in the waiting room we were on a bench and DH was holding me in his arms and we were joking and laughing and acting like two teenaged lovebirds and we got a couple looks from the receptionist, but it felt so good to be able to just be together and know that yes this is going to be tough but we have each other. Also I have noticed DH looking at me differently this past week, he has a softer look, but then when I catch him looking at me he tries to hide it with a joke and a laugh b/c he's a real joker to cover emotions kinda guy.

Thanks for listening everyone. SS15 turns 16 this week and this afternoon DH took him out to job hunt. He wants a weekend job. I think maybe he's feeling different too and kinda wants to grow up for his dad's sake. Cancer is a very sobering experience, even for kids.