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I'm having a pissy afternoon :(

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I am not sure what's going on with ss16 now. He is acting really sick. Key word here is "acting" b/c I honestly don't think he's sick. He knows his dad starts chemo this week and now he's announcing that he is "positive" he has mono b/c he ate someone else's food in the cafeteria at school. He doesn't even have a fever but "OH MY GOSH I HAVE SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES LIKE YOU DAD, SO PLZ TAKE ME TO THE DOCTOR". So now DH, admidst everything else going on in life right now has to deal with the stress of ss16 (IMFHO) having fake diseases to GET ATTENTION. Just now he walks by me to the kitchen to snoop in the pantry (smearing germs everywhere) and he always opens and stands looking in the fridge for about 5 minutes (he's had this habit since I've known him) and then after not grabbing anything he stumbles by me acting like he's so sick. I know he's just wanting all the attention he can get.

OMFG, now DH and ss16 just kicked me outta the livingroom ( I actually just left b/c ss is vacuuming) so dh can help ss cut out and tie a blanket for his widdle gf. It's pink fluffy material and he bought a big pink stuffed bear too. All out of the bill paying money. It's a cute gift idea but makes me a bit pissy.

I told DH is ss16 does in fact have mono why are you spending so much time exchanging germs with him, you should be wearing a mask until chemo begins. The last thing we need is for dh's chemo treatments to get postponed. We've been waiting for months to get this cancer under control.

I'm just pissy today. Gotta got to work now during super bowl. Oh yeah. NOT. BLAH.