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I just don't understand and am questioning everything- LONG and need feedback

steppinginsf's picture

I have posted many times about the relationship between FH and SS (almost 11). FH's identity is very tied to his son (he describes his son as his source of strength, and the thing that contributes most to his identity; I have talked with him about why I think this is unhealthy for them both). He has been a 50%, single parent for 8 years and then I arrived. During those 8 years he had 2 failed engagements. His son was his "significant other," and has always gone to adult parties and events with him. In the 2 years I've been with him there has never been another child invited over to their home, but instead SS receives constant, 1:1 attention from FH.
Recently, I have been told that I am "not showing enough commitment to being a family" with FH and SS. Despite the fact that I build my schedule around SS's custody schedule and varied activities, that I advocate for FH to keep his 50% time with SS when BM is trying to wrestle it away, etc. FH tells me these things "don't matter" and that I need to give him 100% blanket approval for all of his parenting practices to demonstrate my commitment and that any anxiety I have about extended periods of time with just the 3 of us are an indication of my lack of commitment.
Well, last night and this morning we had the most terrible fight. Or rather, FH was the most unkind, mean, and frankly verbally abusive he's ever been to me. I live in a city about 3 hours away, 3 days/week for my job (we are both professors). About 95% of the time I am the one who commutes back/forth. This past weekend was one of three this semester when FH was coming here-- SS was with to be with him as well. At 4pm on Friday, when FH was standing at SS's school to pick him up and start the drive he called me and told me that since I'd been feeling under the weather he wasn't coming b/c "he didn't want SS to get sick before the last week of 5th grade." He got made at me when I cried and was sad. He told me I didn't respect him as a parent. I got off the phone and then called him back a few hours later to let him know that I didn't respect his decision--- that I was family, his partner, NOT an office/job to stay away from when sick. I told him that I felt that my being under the weather (mind you, I had a low-grade fever and generally crumminess, NOT a bacterial infection, pneumonia, etc.) should have been an incentive to come even more, so that he could offer me support, caring, etc. and model that for his son (who thinks the world revolves around him). My weekend was awful- I was alone (I know few people where I work), I was sick, I felt sad and hurt. FH apologized Friday night-- and said he wouldn't hear of him hurting me for the remainder of the weekend. He'd apologized and I needed to get over it, period. He got very angry with me on Sunday when I expressed envy that he and SS had been playing tennis- this is something that I introduced to the "family" (there has been constant pressure on me since we got engaged to introduce an activity/interest. Most of the ones besides tennis were rejected). We had planned to play tennis here where I am. I was upset when FH left me a v.m. telling me he'd arranged a play date for SS so that he could get some grading done. I was happy that he did this- and I think it's healthy for them both that SS was playing with kids. But I was also annoyed b/c FH will NEVER have a play date for SS so that he and I can do something and SS has never been with a babysitter. FH knew I would see this discrepancy and told me I was selfish and self-focused for feeling annoyed about it.
I truly was just so sad and so alone and hurt. I hold a grudge sometimes, I know. But my weekend sucked. I was still sick yesterday- just exhausted and stressed with end-of-semester work. FH called me last night as asked what was wrong. I started crying, saying I felt crummy, and I was alone. I said I wake up alone, I eat alone, I come home alone and then added "perhaps you don't totally get that b/c you are in your comfortable apt and you have your son with you." He went totally nuts--- started yelling at me, and proceeded to say some of the absolutely most unkind things to me that he has ever said. He talked about my just wanting pity from him and trying to make him feel guilty. This was not my intention AT ALL. I wanted empathy-- I don't want pity from anyone! I told him I was stating facts, purely and simply. I truly did not intend for him to feel anything but maybe empathy. It was so awful and I was crying just saying "I don't understand" b/c I didn't/don't. I did not sleep last night, and called him this morning just to say "I love you, I didn't intend for that last night." He was so mean and horrible again to me. It was devastating. He told me that I am someone who just seeks out pity from other all the time, that I resent others for their good fortunes, that I always try to drag others down, and told me I am never allowed to tell him when I'm lonely here. There was so much venom in his voice. So much. He kept talking about how he apologized already on Friday, and him not coming here was never to come up again. He said that he and SS refrained from doing "fun things" so that I wouldn't get upset (they played basketball, tennis, went on a hike, watched a video together, SS went to a friend's on Sunday). I mentioned these "fun things" and he said "no, those were just filling time" and then listed about 6 activities that I haven't known them to do or us to do together in about 9 months. He hissed at me that he would never, ever feel bad about time he was with his son and that when he was with his son it was time I should really not expect him to have any thought or focus on me. When we were getting off the phone he said that he needed to hear me say "I wanted to be with him AND his son." I said I'm happy to be with them both. But I also just needed to be with him. He said this isn't good enough.
I was and am so so so sad and hurt. I don't know anyone else who knows me that would characterize me in the ways he did. I have never been described those ways. I have many faults-- many. I am very clear on what they are and very open to taking responsibility for them. I don't know how what I said last night turned into this. I was and am lonely. I will have gone 10 days (for about the 5th time this semester) without seeing FH. His decision made me feel like I am not a priority or part of a family.
I don't know if this is going to work. Every time I feel like he's made space in his life and heart for a partner- a partner that isn't an accessory to him and his son-- something like this past weekend and last night happen. Is it part of the developmental process? Can/should I be doing something I am not?
I need your thoughts. I am not sure how we went from being so happy and in love, to deciding to get married and having everything totally fall apart. No idea.


HennyPen's picture

The best way to see the future is to look at the past.

How your relationship is now is how it will be or worse in the future. You need to find someone to treat you as an equal, not a back up until SS is around.

StepX2's picture

This man is an emotionally abusive man and he is trying to break you down mentally. It sounds like he is trying to accomplish one of two things here - to either have you break off the relationship becuase he doesn't have the balls to do it - or, more frightening thought, he really wants you to become this person you are not. Please think very hard about what type of relationship this man is asking you to be a part of.

Persephone's picture

You are not his priority and he is demeaning you for his lack of perspective--balance. It's control and mental abuse, which will ultimately cost you your self-esteem.

BTW, 5th graders do not have their parents arrange for play dates. Sounds like he is controlling his son as well.

Step back and read your blog as if you were watching a movie...

soy_girl's picture

Let me start by saying I hope you feel better! What if you were sick at home while SS was visiting? Would you be shipped off to a hotel to not "contaminate" the kid?

I was really disturbed by a few things you wrote in your blog. Things like you're "never allowed to tell him when you are lonely" and "he'd apologized and I needed to get over it". You are supposed to be his partner in life, if you can't tell him how you feel, that's not a good partnership. He doesn't have to always agree with you, but he should respect your feelings.

I remember some of your previous blogs, and it seems like the only compromise going on in your relationship is on your part. I do understand accommodating some schedule issues to work around custody things, but you seem like you are the only one expected to change and "fit it". In my opinion, a new relationship should involve some adjustments for everyone.

From what I've read, you've tried hard to be a good partner, but maybe your BF has already chosen his partner -- his son. Are you willing to spend the rest of your life having your needs and wants second to a child?

I'm not one to say "run!!" because only you can decide if you are ready to end a relationship, but you seem to see some big red flags that you need to decide whether you can live with or not.

good luck!

winehead's picture

It's just not getting better, is it? I'm sick too. My DH picked up dinner, brought me flowers, sent me to bed early last night, and checks in with me every couple of hours. He's a dear and a partner.

I will say that lots of men don't know what to do when women cry, especially women who are usually strong, intelligent, and independent, which is how I see you. They just don't know how to deal with all the emotion. But his reaction to you was WAY over the top. Seems like he's looking for a fight when all you wanted was a friend.

Could you take more time away from him and his son to see what it feels like to be on your own again? You really deserve someone who loves you, and I don't get that this man loves you in the way you need to be loved.

steppinginsf's picture

Reading your first sentence made me cry.
I don't think I ask for so much. But he told me that he (and his son) think I am selfish and self-centered. Like the other ways he described me, I have never been described this way by others. Most people- and those closest to me say I am thoughtful and generous. They are qualities I pride myself on.
I am just so sad. I don't know how this happened. I truly don't. A year ago our life together was so different.And it is so hard not to call him for comfort right now- b/c he is the one I'd go to for comfort! But he is the one who is hurting me, at the same time.
I not like being viewed by others as strong and capable. B/c then people think you don't need anything and they seem to resent you for it when you ask.

winehead's picture

Awww, I didn't mean to make you cry. I just hate it that you're struggling so and it doesn't have to be that way. I wish I knew why relationships changed -- people become who they are I guess. I think that if most people call you thoughtful and generous, then you ARE thoughtful and generous. You're not selfish because you don't act like/think like your fiance thinks you should. He's making YOU the bad person for being who you are. Seems like you're pretty worn out from doing all the giving. Would he consider couples counseling?

LMR120's picture

It doesnt sound like your BF/HUBBY does not have room for you in his life. As you said yourself your hubby says "he describes his son as his source of strength, and the thing that contributes most to his identity" WOW. If my BF said that about his son or daughter I would be very worried

Gia's picture

Yeah right. If my husband didn't put ME first, I wouldn't be with him. YES, I absolutely have to be number one priority. When he puts me first, we are a team, on the same side, and I am more affectionate towards SD. If he didn't I would resent them both. Simple Wink

Spouses come first.

steppinginsf's picture

I'm curious about your post and would like more, Steve.
How did your wife treat you as #2? Did you "feel" like #2? Was your relationship with her the primary dyad in the house, or was her with her kids the primary one that you floated outside?
FH has also said he wants another kid-- I am almost 38, I always was comfortable with and thought I'd adopt, but I've been wanting to have a baby more since we're together. But I have also worried about the place our child would occupy with him. My married with kid friends/sister tell me how much stuff shifts between them and spouses once they had kids-- but for most of them their marriage and the foundation that it gives their families is the most important to sustain. The rest crumbles without it.
Please write more if you happen to see this.

Gia's picture

You said a key thing: Marriages are the foundation! Thats what I believe, I don't know why people think that putting your spouse first means that your children aren't fed, aren't loved etc... One perfect example of putting your child first is the recent post of the woman whose husband allowed SD and BM's mother at their house swimming after she had asked and she had said no.

Being first means that my husband considers my opinion and feelings FIRST to those of the kids. This means that if We were all going somewhere as a family and I didn't feel well, and SD would feel very bad if we didn't go, he would stay with me regardless of SD's opinion. It also means that he is going to side with me when I correct/discipline SD etc...

folkmom's picture


I have to be blunt...this man has beaten you down emotionally. What he is doing is controlling and abusive. His tone and his words are out of control. The "you will never" that gets repeated abotu what you will and will not say, think or do...out of control.

He is not going to change.

You need to be stronger. You need to stop getting into a fight one night where you admit the man was horrible to you and then call him to say sorry the next day. That is so wrongon many levels.

I am not sure where your self esteem is at...but it does not seem healthy. I think you need to break this off pronto.

There IS a reason he has two other broken engagements...and I think you are seeing that now.

DO you really want this to be your life? IT IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE. In fact, it will only get worse.

I realize you are 38 and starting over seems too hard...but the alternative is horrible.