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O/T My stupid ex fiance

Stepped in what momma's picture

Removed by OP because she thinks someone is on to her


Totalybogus's picture

No. The guy that she was married to is the "legal" parent. The child was conceived during the marriage. A judge is less likely to revoke paternity the older the child is as it is not in the "best interest" of the child. The BD has no parental rights or responsibilities to that child.

Stepped in what momma's picture

I feel bad for the guy that thought it was his kid and I feel bad for my ex, not because he got someone pregnant because that is his fault, I feel bad that he never knew all these years. Now he will probably "pay" to be a dad but never really get to be one.

BUT had he found out back then I would probably would be knee deep in crazy momma stories by now.

DaizyDuke's picture

Why do women do this to men?? It is wrong on so many levels. If you are pregnant and you're a slut and not exactly sure WHO the father is, it really is your duty to find out. This man was robbed of 18 years with one child and 9 years with another because these two women couldn't be the better person and do the right thing. And I think that once these sluts make the decision to be deceitful they should have to stick to that decision.. not this change my mind 10 years or 20 years later and be all freaking flippant about it.. like "oopsie, I forgot to tell you"

notarelative's picture

Ex fiance needs to see a lawyer and find out his legal obligation.

Ex fiance needs to see a counselor and work through his feelings about the notifications, what he is going to do now, and his irresponsible lack of birth control use.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I just can't even...

How many lives affected by this irresponsible game of sexual musical chairs? This is why I think both genders should be on bc at age eleven. There are bands of monkeys that are more discriminating.