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I am not sure what I think about this

Stepped in what momma's picture

Removed by poster on April 18th because she thinks someone else has found this site


carriedear's picture

In my opinion, she exploited this tragedy and mislead people by calling this woman a child and saying she lost her child to drugs. It sounded like she lost her own teen dd, not a step daughter in her 30s that abused alcohol and prescription pain pills.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Well said and I wish my question had been properly conveyed because along the lines of what I was thinking about the way she presented her situation.

The reason I wondered about BM because I wondered if she felt kicked having another woman claim her child as her own on national TV.

Ninji's picture

I also met my SD at 6. She's only 11 now but I love her very much and think of her as my daughter. She has said many times that I'm her second mom. I hope that we still have a strong bond when she is in her 30's. There are even times that I will call Skids "my kids" so I don't have to get into the whole "step" thing. They know who their bio mom is and they know what my role in their life is.

I think it's very sad when lives are ruined by addition regardless of the age. I think it's odd that the thing you that is picked out of the story is the use of the word "daughter" by a SM.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Actually I flagged the word "our" as by general definition she is not her daughter.

WalkOnBy's picture

My DH refers to my kids as "ours". I think he does it because they are "our" children in the collective sense. It doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother my EX. My kids' SM calls them "our" kids, because she is referring to the same thing when she talks about her kids and my kids (her skids). I don't mind it. I would never get offended by it. I am not like a typical BM who has to let the world know that SHE IS THE MOTHER! People in my life know who the mother of my kids is - lol!!

I think it's because my kids love DH and my kids love their SM. And I also think it's because my kids are accepting (and polite) of their step parents, while skids like ASS and many others we hear about here are not.

Perhaps Carly's SD was accepting of her and sought out her love. Perhaps the BM was okay with it?

This essay is her memoir of a tragic event. Nothing more.

Stepped in what momma's picture

I can see grouping other kids in with yours and calling them "ours" but she doesn't have any of her own.

I don't know why but it just seems like maybe her claim to her is more political to me.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I read the excerpt. What I took out of it was irony that she was all asniffle about the unemployed farmworkers in Mendota who lost their jobs due to "men and women in suits making decisions." Really, Carly? Like the suit you were wearing when you rendered 30,000 Hewlett Packard workers jobless?