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stepkids almost a dealbreaker

stepparent111's picture

SS 15 in on aderall for ADHD which he doesn't have he is just annoying and lazy but the wonderful school said he has to be on it or will be kicked out of school. Ridiculous I just give pills to the school to give to him and stupid idiot nurse forgot to tell us that he was out and god forbid it he had to go one whole day w/o his meth pill and all heck broke lose. He comes home from school and asks to play video games I say read or study for an hour and you can play video games well he doesn't get his way so he starts antagonizing the dog and his dad until his dad says no video games since you can't do what asked. Ok then he gets real crazy like staring at us and hitting the dog. I finally snap on him and shut him in his room. His dad blood pressure up and me splitting headache. Today school calls in a tizzy that if he doesn't get his pill he will be kicked out of school hes already been sent out of a few classes. Good lord you know now I have to deal with a drug addict what's next.?!

I feel like I have had to alter my life for this child I have to give up working and freedom and he is not mine. I can't go anyhwere because I don't trust him in our home, with good reason too. I fell like a prisoner until he leaves. I dread when he is home it is so hard having to pretend. Its like a babysitting job you don't want.


ndc's picture

*Almost* a deal breaker?  Good grief, this sounds awful.

I'm puzzled as to why the school is threatening to kick the kid out of school if he isn't medicated.  Our schools totally stay out of whether a child takes ADHD medicine - that's between the child, the parents and the psychiatrist.  Is he getting special services?  It sounds like both his parents and the school are failing this kid, especially if they're medicating him for a condition he doesn't have rather than trying to get to the real root of the problem.  

I feel for you.  Why do you have to give up working?  That's the last thing I'd want to do, as having a job and an income would be important to an exit plan, which it sounds like you might need if this continues.

SFKs_for_days's picture

Ugh - I feel for you completely.   This site is phenomenal for all kinds of great suggestions and support.  Thank heavens we all found it!  

*Keep the dog away from the kid!!!!!* or provide some form of protection for that dog.  It is NOT OKAY for a kid to do this - Ever - and you can control this by taking the dog and leaving the house - does not have to be dramatic, just get you and the dog out of there to change the immediate environment and protect the dog (or cat, or bird, or whatever / whoever cannot protect itself / themself because it /they depend on YOU).

Harming / antagonizing something weaker is a form of 'attention capture' but not in a good way. 

Imagine if the same 'antagonizing' was happening to a baby - is it sitll okay??? 

That 'antagonizing' behavior needs to be mitigated immediately.  

This kid is 15 and well beyond the need for coddling - also not seeing why you had to stop working for this.

DO NOT leave this kid alone with an animal if he is upset or angry with the adults.  

Please continue to vent and share!  This site is a wonderful find....may you find peace and joy in the future.

By the way, if you leave - take all the animals so they are safe Smile

marblefawn's picture

Why do you need a nurse to keep track of this kid's meds? The nurse has 1000 other kids' meds to manage. Put the damn prescription on auto-reorder so you never run out again.