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Loathe SS

stepparent111's picture

I absolutely undeniably loathe that brat. He has all but destroyed my marriage. He is perpetually grounded because he is a moron and couldn't pass a class if his life depended on it. Last night he calls me and not DH to ask to go to a friends. I knowingly say u have to ask your father because anytime I tell him no a huge fight ensues about whether I can tell him no or not. He even will get the school involved about it. He is a professional crybaby. Anyways he didn't call DH and when I talked to DH I told him SS would say that I gave him the wrong number. DH goes to get SS who went to friends w/o permission when he knew he was grounded and the little brat yells at me that it is my fault because I gave him the wrong number and then tells us I gave him permission which I didn't. And further than that informs me that it is my fault that he is doing poorly in school because I am not helping him. His idea of help is me doing and walking him through each assignement. I have enough to do. I bust my butt all day and I sit down in the evening with DH for maybe an hour and that little shit thinks that time should be his. I don't think so. All he does is fight me and try to get attention from his dad nonstop. It is exhausting. After what he said to me last night it is on like full on. No more Mrs. nice stepmom.


notasm3's picture

Block him from your phone. Do not have any conversations with him beyond “pass the potatoes please”.

Aunt Agatha's picture

It’s time for full on ignore. Let DH know you are letting him take full on control, block the stinker from your phone and move on.

Requests for help should be referred to his dad.

Boys this age are for the most part awful little beasts. If they can’t behave, being socially shunned is a perfectly normal response. In the end you are really helping him learn what he can expect from poor behavior.

jollybean's picture

SS doing poorly at school and says it's your fault! Tell him 'look kid it's your father's fault you're from a piss poor gene pool so good luck with that'

momjeans's picture

Fully disengage from SS.

On the flip side, there has GOT to be a more proactive way in dealing with his poor behavior. Being perpetually grounded is not the answer.

stepparent111's picture

Yes, we figured that out. He is still getting F's. I don't know what to do. Our next step is to get him to a Dr./counseling so he can help deal with his attitude about how everything wrong is everyone else's fault and not his own. My guess is he will just get medicated which I don't agree with but at this point I just don't care and I am tired of his shit day in and day out.

Willow2010's picture

Why oh why are you living in a house where you actually hate a 12 year old. I just read your other post and you can just feel your venom for the boy dripping through your blog.

He sounds like a handful but he also sounds extremely normal for a preteen boy. IMHO, you do not sound normal in your extreme hate for this kid. I would bet you any amount that he knows your hate for him and that does not make him act any better. I mean…you called him a terrorist because he insinuated he would kill a bald eagle. HUH?

Does his dad know how you feel? Have you thought about getting your own place until the boy ages out? Your living conditions cannot be good for him or YOU.