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Venting about BD

Stepmomtogirls's picture

DD is 2 and a half, me and BD have been separated since she was one. We have a court order in place, 50/50 custody no CS. The issue is that me and BD don’t communicate and when we do, its never good.

Case in point: On Monday (my normal pick up day) BD sent me a txt saying DD was sick and he would be dropping her off at 5 at our normal place. DD was sick Tues and Wednesday and I had her stay with my Aunt because there are issues with BD and BD’sBM (DD’s gma) and my DF (they don’t like him, and say DD shouldn’t be left with him, etc). DD was fine this morning, only complaining that she bit her tongue last night at dinner. So I took her to daycare and a few hours later BD sends me a txt, saying I have to go and pick her up. Well, for one, Thursday is our exchange day, and if there are issues with her at daycare, whoever is the one who gets her for the exchange is supposed to pick her up. Apparently BD is ‘out of town’ and can’t pick her up. After talking with daycare DD doesn’t even have to be picked up, she’s just fussy about her tongue. So I inform BD about this and he sends me txts ‘ Why is it when she is sick on my day you always drop her off at daycare and I have to pick her up? When she is sick on your days I keep her until you get off. Now I have to drop everything and pick her up instead of picking her up later.’ I had a million and one things I wanted to say to him, like ‘why is it that every Monday shes always sick after being at your house?’ ‘Im sorry that I can’t stay home with her all day but some people have to work to pay bills instead of being unemployed and living with my parents.’ But I didn’t. I avoided the situation by calling his mom and having a conversation about the fussy baby with her instead of BD. In most cases it is so much easier to talk to BDs mom instead of talking to him because he is childish and she is more mature about the situation even though we don’t always see eye to eye.

Wow it feels good to get it out. Thanks for listening (reading)


Totalybogus's picture

I wouldn't even respond to him. He's an idiot. If he's gonna be so concerned about picking her up from daycare because she bit her tongue, I feel sorry for him when she realizes how easy it is to manipulate him into believing she is ill. God wait until she gets her!

If its his day, and he thinks she is sick enough to be picked up, let him worry about it. Don't answer him.

Stepmomtogirls's picture

I spoke with the daycare and they said even though she is crabby about her tongue, that there is no reason for her to be picked up because she's not sick. I explained that to him and then later to his mom so she can understand what's going on.

I am getting so sick of doing this he said she said thing with the daycare though. It seems like everytime something happens the daycare tells me one thing and tells him something else.

I don't understand how he can be mad at me because he has to pick her up earlier on HIS day. On my day if I have to pick her up, I do it, I don't complain to him about having to do it. There are days when I have to have her with me at work because she can't be at daycare and there's no one else to watch her.

It's getting to be so much drama and I'm getting so tired of it. Its hard enough dealing with skids BM, and now I get to deal with the same kind of drama from DB.