Sex Education
So, the role has fallen entirely to me to teach my older skid about the birds and the bees. Yay. Not. Haha, anyway, I don't really mind, but I would love suggestions for books, dvds etc... to help with this. Both of my skids are mentally slower than average so it's hard to teach them anything, but my SS11 keeps asking me about sex and puberty and seems to be getting lots of confusing information. Today, he asked me again about condoms (because he saw BM buy them-at least she's being safe?) and sex and so I had a chat with him and ordered him a book called What's Happening To My Body? For Boys, which is the boy version of a book my mom got for me and I remember liking. I'm going to give it to him and if he has questions after that we will have a reference book and another way to explain things. I think he just doesn't understand the mechanics and is confused. My mom was always very honest, clear and kept things simple and I want to do the same thing. It would be easier with a girl because I have the same parts and understand the girl perspective!
Today when SS asked me about it, I asked him if he ever asks his mom about this stuff or his dad and he said "I do, but I don't think my mom knows what she's talking about." ROFL! Out of the mouths of babes...He also said that it's embarrassing to talk to her and that she doesn't explain anything clearly and just makes him more confused. He also said he could ask his dad, but he said if it's okay with me, he'll just ask me about things on this topic. I just wanted to see what he would say and make sure he had thought of asking the other parents too! Kind of get an idea of what he's been taught already and if BM is there for him or not (not, as usual). She puts him in a weird position because she cries on his shoulder and puts her emotional burdens on him as if he was an adult, but then at the same time, treats him like a mentally ill five year old and refuses to acknowledge that he's growing up and almost a teenager. I am certainly not pushing adult topics at him, he is asking me specific questions because it's what he's thinking about and apparently i'm the only one he feels comfortable asking these kinds of questions.
Anyone been through this with any words of wisdom? I think i'll do okay because I'm very down to earth about body stuff and impossible to embarrass, but any suggestions from SMs or BMs for that matter, who have tips or advice to share would be more than welcome!
- StepMadre's blog
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