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Hoping one day things will settle...

Kirby's picture

Does that ever happen? I'm not asking for perfection, just a little less wishy washy planning and drama every other day. We drafted a custody schedule for the upcoming year with everyone's days and times and holidays all worked out and pretty and they signed a consent form so they have something now before they are modifying custody forms officially. (She agreed!!!) And since then she has been staying in multiple hotels dropped her son off on her few weekend days with DH's mom and flaked on at least two pickups a week, dropped him off late today and is asking to change the schedule the again because she can't get him to school on time. So now there is a chance she won't ever see his school. At this point, all I've been saying is as long as we can make it work, say yes and document errrrything. I would love to be in a situation where they could make this work no court involved, but it's like she's building an unfit mom case herself and were just watching her do it. So now on Friday's she wants DH to meet her halfway after school, she's moving two hours away into a place with her mom that may or may not exist yet depending on what day you ask her the new address her son will staying which she hasn't provided yet and drop him off sunday night. So we have to go back and make a new schedule and hurry and get new court papers filled out so she can't keep adding or removing days every 5 seconds. 'I want this, but now I want this and not this, and NOW I want this and not that' :sick:

And on the one hand I'm always happy to have him, always and I love being as involved as I can, I don't mind but it's also just sad. She left all the copies of school info and paperwork in his backpack that I made sure were labeled mom and DH told her to take because they were hers and she freaked out cuz she couldn't find his birth certificate which was with all the other paperwork, and I was sitting right next to him when he said he was returning it all together because she'd asked for it back. And it was all just still in his backpack today. So were keeping the BC since she obviously can't be responsible for keeping it in a safe place (like where, the hotel safe?) and I'm putting ANOTHER sticky reiterating that we always make sure there are dad/mom copies we keep his and she should take hers. Since she can't be bothered to speak to anyone at the school.

AAnd she had the nerve to say that she could've kept her job close by if we had just kept him in the school she didn't want to send him to originally and given her time to get the money to pay tuition, so to cover her with our money until she could.... But she was the one who gave the school his two weeks before she even told us, so I dunno how that works out in her convoluted head. And she didn't get let go? Like she said, when she said she was losing her job in two weeks?? I'm so confused. It's all lies and cover ups. We are just keeping track now and hoping it will be enough for legal custody to go to him next year. Also though, of course, it would be just as awesome if she got it together.


Acratopotes's picture

No, it will never end, cause both you and DH are enabling her, she gets away with it time after time... why would she stop.

I would only change it once more and then from there I will say NO..... you already allowed too much.
Get family wizard and start posting things and putting down schedules and dates, then there's no need to even contact her....

sorry if my reply sounds harsh, but that's the facts and I'm not a sugar coater

Kirby's picture

It doesn't sound harsh. We know we are, were doing it on purpose and tracking everything so when we go back to court he can say she did or didn't do all this and I was there to take of my child every time she didnt.. hoping for full legal custody. And after that there will definitely be more no's.

Acratopotes's picture

I always wonder why step parents are told - you will learn to let things go - ignore it....

I say bullshit - teach us to handle our spineless YES saying partners, if they where married to their ex's they would've had discussions and told the kids NO... why should it be different cause they got divorced?

ldvilen's picture

Having been a SM for over 15 years and being on different step-websites off and on for years, if you are having real issues with your SKs, there are pretty much only two ways things will settle, as you say.

1) Either SM starts putting her foot down, basically insisting on respect from her DH and SKs, saying NO and meaning NO, setting boundaries for all, and disengaging or somehow removing herself from the situation or such when the sport of going after or blaming SM doesn't end.


2) SM continues to suck it up and take and accept that she has signed on to be a doormat for life.

Interestingly, the only way I've ever seen SKs come around, such as start respecting SM or even apologizing, is if #1 is done. I've never heard of any SM who just sucked it up and took for years and years, then one day DH and SKs all surprised her and started giving her the respect and value she deserved for taking more than her share of family ass-whupping.

The biggest role players in how a SM gets along with her SKs are actually BM and DH (bio-dad). Manipulative, controlling BM and weak, enabling DH = step hell. If DH is wimping out and you are hoping for things to settle, then you can pick #1 or #2. You may start out picking #2, and then once your pot of undeserved venom and vinegar is full, switch to #1, but by that time, you will have a lot more work to do, a lot.