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Stepinsanity's Blog

My step hell is coming to an end.

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After doing some deep thinking and replies to some of my recent blogs on here I have made my decision. Can't really say it was a hard one to make but it definately wasn't easy. With the recent issues with my bio daughter I know that me leaving dh is the best thing for her. I would leave today but I have to wait till I have a couple of full checks under my belt lol. I know that the moment I accepted my decision I immediately felt better. There is light at the end of this darkness and I'm finally almost there.

New territory - ideas on how to handle this.

Stepinsanity's picture

Well, this posting is actually more about my bd12 then skids for a change. A couple of days ago I took both my bds and sd's cell phones because of not getting their chores done. Of course I used this time to check their phones to see what was on them. Well, through the investigation I have discovered that my bd has set up an email account and a twitter account without me knowing about it and not sure where they are going but she is uploading videos of herself to a site. Lukily not indecent videos but have learned she's got a very fowl mouth.

A few days of peace but now back to hell.

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I had a great few days riding with my son halfway across the country so he could have his jeep with him on base. The night before we were to fly home hell started coming back. I really don't understand my sd14. The skids were with us till last Monday and a few days before they went home sd must have started her period. When I called dh Tuesday night (our last night of our trip) he informs me that when he was doing laundry he found two pair of sd's panties completely soaked through with blood and a pair of her pants that were just as bad.

Bm is doing her crap with the councilor now

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Last week it was bm's turn to take the kids for counciling. The session is scheduled for Mondays at 4 in a town about an hour away. That same day the school was having the physicals and drug testing for the kids. I spoke with the band director and explained that the kids had Counciling at that time and the director told me that they didn't have to do that at the school, they could goto any doctor to have it done. Well I let bm know to get with the kids doc to have that scheduled for sd since she was going to miss the schools because of counciling.

Been doing some thinking

Stepinsanity's picture

It's probably not the best way of thinking but it might actually give me something to help in the stress. I know that my ss11 will be with us for long after he is 18 since bm has already stated that she's moving as soon as the kids are 18 and he will not be capable of living on his own because of his mental condition. But where alot of the stress comes from here in the house is sd14. Bm can't control ss the way she does sd so I figure that once sd turns 18 that the stress might actually reduce quite a bit.

Am I just being overly protective?

Stepinsanity's picture

My dh doesn't understand my wanting to make this drive with my bio son. Quick background, my son, though 20 in November, only got his DL after completing bootcamp when he was 18. He really doesn't have alot of driving experience. He wasn't one of the teens dead set on getting a car and everything at 16 like many are. Last year at the end of November he bought his jeep, first vehicle he's ever owned, and a week later had to fly back to Norfolk va. Where he's stationed.

When will the crap stop?

Stepinsanity's picture

My ss11 just came to the door to inform me that my bio was stuck under the bunkbed. Why she was there in the first place I have no clue. When I walk into the room, sd14 is just standing in the middle of the room staring at my daughter. No attempt from her whatsoever to help my bio. Keep in mind that my sd is taller then me and probably outweighs me by atleast 10 pounds. Also for the past several days I have had to wear my knee brace because my knee has been bothering me alot lately. I had to lift the end of the bunkbed so my daughter could get unstuck.

Think I will do the disengaging thing.

Stepinsanity's picture

The more I read on this site the better I see my situation. I feel that I am at a crossroads right now which led me to find this site. I know that I want to at least give all options a try before I call my marriage quits so I am going to try disengagement. I have to do something to lessen my stress or I will go crazy. Breaking this to my husband is a whole other story. I am open to all suggestions that could help make this better. I can only do so much since I am stuck with having to take care of the skids. 

This is my plans so far:
