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The attorney sent the child care letter

StepG's picture

In last blog I posted about H dropping son off and child care his mom has him at when the 13 year is not watching him and I reported that it was a dump.

We did not confront BM about this we contacted our lawyer and she sent BM a letter stating we are under impression the lady is licensed and that we would like any information she could provide about the child care giver. Well BM got that yesterday and she was fit to be tied. She called H cussing and said she was sick of him and sick of his f***ing lawyer and she was going to call his lawyer and tell her hell not she is not licensed and then she was going to call her attorney and file harassment charges cause that is what he was doing was harrassing her about the child care. H told her no I am not harrassing you know it is a dump where you send our son, BM says I can't help it she is nasty and does not clean her house all other places are booked. WHAT!!! you can't help she's nasty so just leave him there? We have offered numerous time to provide summer care for ss but she does not want us to do anything so she can say she does it all. I called other daycares and they are not booked they just cost more than what she pays at the dump for him to go. We just got back from vacationa and she made ss take off his T-shirt we got him when H took him home. Then last night SS tells us that his mom sat in her room and cried and screamed all night after we dropped him off and that her boyfriend kepy telling her to come out and enjoy her family. Then we hear from BM's sister that ss told them that on vacation it rained and he stayed in the room the whole time. So we ask SS why he told them that and he said cause I did not want them the tell my mom about what all we did cause I did not tell her anything and she did not even ask if I had a good time, you know she would get mad dad. We went to the beach for a week and had a great time. We snorkled in the ocean took ss to theme park, took him to ride go-carts, he ate crab legs, oysters on half shell(YUCK!!), steamed shrimp and steak he got t-shirt, tatoos, toys, and tons of other stuff. Now what kind of mom does not ask her son if he had a good time and what he did.... a jealous one that is what kind. In April according to divorce papers we are to have turned in and agreed upon the summer schedule. Well we did out part made out nice calendar for BM and us with our 3 weeks listed along with regular visitation. Well when she called the cops at our house 3 weeks ago she told H that she was going to have ss on July4th (our weekend) cause she was going to take her family on vacation. H said fine then you owe us our weekend and we will get him Sunday night when you get back to finish out our week visitation. Couple days later she said she would have to check funds they were gonna go to Gulf Shores for 2 days. So H said fine I need to know by the time we get back from vacation she said OK. Well we get back this past Sunday and H drops ss off and ask her and she yelled at him I don't know if we are doing anything I will let you know when I want to. H said no it is 2 weeks away and if you do not already know then I am getting him on the 4th my scheduled time. She blew a gasket and was yelling FINE FINE and tried to kick H and slammed door on him. I guess that is when she went and started crying. I cannot help that you waste all your vacation time and work and cannot take off to take your family somewhere I cannot help that you cannot afford it with all due respect we pay you money I cannot help it you are with a man who has 3 kids already and you already have one then yall have one together. Don't punish ss because of the way you have made your life.

We are thinking of taking ss to see psychiatrist or having it court ordered. They say those people have a way of getting the kids to talk and tell how they feeling and what is going on. We try to talk to ss but he clams up afraid to talk and hurt anyone.

Anyway sorry for the long vent. Any reponse on thoughts about if she could file harrasment charges or if it good idea to have ss go to pyschiatrist?


SerendipitySM's picture

I would definitely take SS to see a therapist - this poor little boy is being used as her pawn and must feel like he is getting tugged at from different directions.
I can't believe these women - it just makes me sick - why can't you allow your children to be happy and have fun with the other parent without inflicting these endless guilt trips and mind games. Do they realize the damage they are doing or are they just too friggin selfish to care?
Don't even get me started on the subpar daycare situation....have the 2 of you considered suing her for full custody?

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

StepG's picture

if all of the things she is doing with subpar daycare and not giving him his daily medication daily might influence judge to give us more than week at a time we are requesting. I would love to have full custody but worry what that will do to ss as he LOVES his little brother from his mom and he loves his mom but I do not feel like it is as much as he used to. Kinda like the older he gets the more he sees how she is!