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step off already's Blog

Bm back under the radar

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It all started about 6 weeks ago when bm decided to call dh one morning and profess her love and that she missed him - Nevermind the fact that she left him 9 years prior to be a lesbian, never mind that he has a restraining order against her and despises her for everything she has out ss14 through, never mind that dh and I are married, with our own baby.

So dh hung up on her. She called back, I answers (surprise bm- I work from home!) and told her not to call my husband.

ExH Willing vs Able - today's final chapter

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ExH sent me an apologetic text. He said he overreactednd thanked me for letting him know about dd and sm and he is aware they have a strained relationship. He also stated he is happy that dd is working in her confidence and communication skills as those are excellent skills for young ladies to have in life.

He states he will not mention anything to dd as he knows that there is a large level of trust alerting him to the issue and he does not want to break that trust. He will look forward to learning more in DDs counseling session.

ExH pulls the "there's a difference between being willing to and being able to"

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I'm sticking to my guns this time and not backing down to keep the peace. He stood me he will no longer pay for our children to attend private school after 8 straight years since k/ pre k.

I've started looking into less expensive options that I can afford on my own. He keeps pushing the kids towards public. I keep filling him in on their school visits and how they like each school.

Yesterday our text conversations went like this:

I'm confused why you had ds11 do a visit. You said
It would be best for him to stay at his current school.

And the exH is still an idiot

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He texts me this morning to see if he can keep the kids untill 1:30 or so on Friday because SM's sister is coming to town and she'd like to take them to lunch.

Kids have no school Friday and it is my weekend. We are headed to Boy Scout Family Camp - which the ex knows about and was invited to. He is having an adult weekend and chose not to go with the boys to camp, so me and DH are taking the kids.

I remind him that I'm heading to camp with the kids and he'll need to drop them off first thing.

Why does his idiocracy bug me so much?

And here's a fun bm story

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Bm left dh when ss14 was about 5. She left to party and be with another woman. Dh eventually mbira dam hor away, closer to his family. He always allowed bm to show up when hs wanted because he wanted ss to have his mom in his life.

She'd often show up drunk and he's allow her to sleep it off and be on her way. Or was usually when she was fighting with her gf.

Dh told me something funny.

Once, he got his cable bill and it was double what it usually was he called, angry and wondering what the issue was.

Who makes me mad? Ss14 makes me mad!!

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Yes ss14 you must walk your pit bull (dog). In the morning and in the evening. Yes. You mUST.
I'm happy to get rid of him as he has destroyed my front door - several times,my fence,my yard, my interior if my home including remotes and pillows.

I came to the relationship with a 4 lb chihuahua and though she's not perfect she does not destroy ANYTHINg. Ever.

We've added. 12 lb dog to our family since blending.

Oh and My exH is an idiot also... no pants, really?

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exH sends me a text at 9:05 am this morning - 35 minutes after school starts, stating, "can i get a pair of pants for DS11? His pants are still in the dryer".

I'm like, WTF? "Is he at school?"

- no, he's with me. we stopped at the store but they don't fit
- ok, stop by the house. I'm about to leave but DH is here

So BS comes in a few minutes later with a pair of new pants on that do not close as they are too small in the waist. I run upstairs with him to help him and tell him to take his new pants back down so Dad can exchange them.

Why is my ss14 such a hater and maybe this is why he has no friends

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Ss14 literally has one friend that he spends any time with outside of school. He's a very nice respectful boy. Dh gives the friend a ride to school every day. Ss tries to tease the friend ALL THE TImE and throw him under the bus on car rides.

He was also way rude to him when we had the boy spend the night.

Dh asked the friend what hs he would be going to and started telling him about the small and inexpensive private school that ss will be attending. Ss started giving dh the "cut the throat"/ be quiet signal. Dh looked at him and just kept going.
