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Is there hope???

Steamed's picture

I have been telling SS and my wife to call the tech school rep to explain the situation, maybe they can help somehow. They finally did and guess what, the rep said that if he sends a letter explaining why he cannot get a cosigner for his loan the school will underwrite the loan and consider it a hardship issue. This means that there is still a chance that he could go to school !!!!

I'm not sure what is involved or how it works but that is what my wife was told on the phone. I don't really care, as long as it gets this kid on the road to his own life it works for me.

I'll be chewing my fingernails until he is in his OWN car, on his way to school..., pray for me !! LOL


Daddysgirl's picture

Goes to show you, you NEVER know till you ASK! Way to get your point across and have them make the call! Good luck to you!

Anne 8102's picture

Thank God you had the sense to call the school to see if something could be worked out. There are actually schools out there - Yale is one of them - who will not turn a student away based solely on inability to pay. If nothing else, most community colleges offer at least some free courses and that could at least put him on some kind of path. Let us know what happens. How are things going otherwise?

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)