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We did it, BM's criminal record and dirty myspace pics were filed in the courts on Wednesday.

southernshellgirl's picture

I am feeling relieved, knowing that finally we have given all the information to the courts and it will be in the hands of the judge. I know there are no guarantees, but right now I feel we are really doing all that we can. I sat with our attorney for two hours on Tuesday and gave much input to get this petition to read just so.

I've been distracted by another issue lately, one just as important. I wont go into detail, but my mom started seeing a man that could have easily torn the family apart. She ended it today, but I only feel a little better. I hurt for her because I know how badly she wanted it to work. She hasn't even dated since she and my dad split 5 yrs ago and I believe she deserves to be happy more than anyone I know. This just wasn't it.

We have filed a petiton to change temp orders and the hearing is set for Tuesday morning. Now I am relieved, but freaking on what if's , like what if our attorney didn't get the info to BM's attorney, or what if her attny can't reach her in time to notify of the hearing? I know this is silly, I just want so bad for everything to go right. I have been checking her myspace to see if I can tell when she learns of the content of the petition we filed. In it our attorney has pointed out how when BM puts pictures of SD on the front of her myspace next to signs that say "f**ken Sexy" it borders child pornography because it looks like she is refering to SD. I kind of expect to see the sign removed when she reads the petiton, but who knows.

Everything is in the petition and attached as exhibits. The judge will see the police reports for her DWI when she totaled her car, the Assualt bodily injury when she went to the girl's appt and banged on her door until she let her in and then BM pepper sprayed her, the sentancing info where BM was found guilty of both charges, the pics of SD BM put on her myspace with the f**ken sexy sign, the pics of BM she posted of herself nearly nude, and the one she is clothed, barely, but she is trying to look sexy as she takes the pic of herself in the mirror and in the background we can see 3 yr old SD playing on the floor. then to top it off the judge will be able to read BM's blog where she posted that she is "sick of jealous bi**hes, always hatin because you are fat, ugly..." BM writes, "I will always get my way and my man, whichever one I am talking about at this point in time"
What do you all think?? I am so proud, I feel like this has been my destiny, to finally have some papers that really paint a true picture of how BM really is, and it's all fact and undeniable. Best of all, DH is 100% with me. he wants this as bad or more than me, and I have read on this site before, that is as rare for others as it has been for me most of the time.

So here we go, it's all set and how it should be, there's just one thing before the hearing I could use some opinions on.

BM's g-ma is supposed to get SD from us Monday morning. I am so afraid for SD because I am fairly certain at this point that BM has narcissitic personality disorder and I know that her reaction to the petition will be BAD. I know BM lives in La La land and believes she will never loose primary custody of SD because she is "the mother", but now that all the pieces are together, it paints a picture of her, and it is not good. I am afaraid it is going to hit BM for the very first time that she could lose, and I don't know what she will do.

DH and I were thinking we would get the hysterical phone call from BM as soon as she finds out about the petition, but we thought it would have been Thursday, Friday or today. Nothing so far.

I told DH that I feel like we are contradicting ourselves if we allow SD to return to BM's care, when our position in the petition is that SD is not safe with her. The reason we went back to the possession sched in temp orders in august was because BM moved out of her abusive mom's house and our attny convinced us that we had no good reason to keep SD from her as she was not the one that initiated the violence and it wasn't against SD. But that was before we knew about Bm's criminal record and that she continues to drive without a license and without the breath test in her car that was ordered after her DWI, and also before she blatantly ignored the temp orders that SD cannot go over to her mom's house.

I believe we have very good reasons to take SD and us all go stay over at my mom's until the hearing on Tuesday. I know we want to be able to say that we followed the orders to a T, but I don't think it justifies putting SD in danger. Even if BM does not flip and do something stupid when she hears what is in the petition, I am afraid of what happens if we let BM have her back and then she judge sees things our way and orders SD into our care and only grants BM supervised visitation. I am afraid she will take SD and run. Or what if she decides to hurt herself, or SD? BM has threatened suicide before. It makes me sick what SD will hear and see if she is with BM after things don't go as BM wants.

SD asks me once at least every three hours if she can just stay with me. She says, "I don't want mommy come pick me up."

What do you all think?? If you were the judge, would you see that DH was trying to protect SD from the terrible things he just learned BM is capable of, or would you punish him for disobeying the orders my keeping Sd from BM for one day? :?


Chocoholic's picture

This is the absolute worst!! The waiting and wondering and worrying is just the worst.... but you have done all you can (as you stated) and so somehow you just have to "let go and let God".

Easier said than done!! I seriously considered calling a psychic to find out how our upcomming court date with BM was going to go!

Its hard to say how your court date will go.... I do think the judge will see that you and DH are trying to protect SD.... but whether or not BM's behavior is enough to order supervised visits I'm not so sure.... It really takes a lot for things to drastically change and you never know what judge your going to get, what mood he or she will be in, whatever....

I would keep up with the documentation and even if this court date doesn't go exactly planned; there is always the next one.... as I always say.... Just give BM a little rope; she'll hang herself sooner or later!

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people ever have is when they take a bite out of you."

Colorado Girl's picture

about where you are at right now. I have been where you are, just waiting for the explosion...I have to agree with Choc, here. It's such a crap shoot with these Judges, you never know how they are going to react. I learned the hard way that just because she's a complete loser and inadequate, isn't grounds for an adjustment in custody. Hopefully her criminal record will provide different for you. When it comes to court I always have the attitude, expect the worst and hope for the best. It doesn't seem like any one walks out of court content, you know? BMs or DHs.

Personally, I just think withholding visitation from BM would be a risky move. I only say that because your defying a court order and if the judgement doesn't go your way.....then all your left with probably is a contempt of court. If you truly, truly think that she will harm your SD and BM threatens it, call CPS. I just feel if you escape to your mom's house, it would be detrimental in your case to retain custody. I know what it's like, we had to turn over the skids to a home that was littered with ex-cons. We filed a motion to remove them and it was DENIED! BMs boyfriend and his friends were violent criminals but they "had never committed crimes against children", so according to the judge, it didn't matter. Broke my heart.

I wish you luck and I'm sorry if I didn't give you answers you wanted to hear - I just wanted you to know what happened in our case. And like choc said, keep doing what you're doing, document all the crap she does, it can only help your case each time you go back.And maybe, just maybe, BM will try to clean her act up a little if the judge reprimands her.