Ss8 doesn't want to go to BM's any more.
It's creating a bit of a moral dilemma for DH and I. Do we go for full custody? Do we tell BM? Do we wait until he is old enough to pick?...
I haven't been posting on here a much lately and it's not that things have gotten better, I have just accepted that BM is an idiot and you can't fix stupid. I think the boys, ss6 and ss8, are also starting to realize how BM is.
The just of it is that we currently have joint custody of both, EOW for a week at a time. BM has always favored ss6 over ss8, to the point that it's some what sickening.
The last few Sundays when the boys are at our house Ss8 has expressions on desire to go to BM's house. To the point of asking if he has to. DH has explained to him that we would be happy to have him any time but on BM's weeks he really needs to ask her if it's okay since it's her time to spend with him. This week he asked more than once and then when told that he had to go to mom's but we could come get him any time (as long as BM said it was okay), he asked DH if he could come get him Wednesday! (This was on Sunday).
I know why he doesn't like it there. BM ignores him unless he does something to upset ss6 then she yells at him to cave to the demands of his younger brother. Everything they do is geared to please ss6, which is hard as ss8 is starting to get into more mature things.
DH and I have talked about it. Ss8 isn't old enough to pick were he lives, I believe that age is 13. We hate to make him suffer 4 more years of this hell. (He is almost 9). But if we were to go for full custody we would try for both and we just don't know if we can afford that. If we tell BM the things he has said in hopes of changing things, more than likely BM will claim that we are just being mean or lying, an take it out on ss8. If he does finally break down and ask BM to come to our house she will be hurt and guilt him into staying.
She doesn't want ss8, I have seen this first hand when I asked to take ss8 to a more mature movie one night on her week. She agreed as long as I didn't ask for ss6. But she also doesn't want to look like a bad mom.
It's so bad that while watching 'Lord of the Rings: Return of the King' the part were a man's father tells his surviving son that the wrong brother died. Ss8 turned to me and asked if it was okay for parents to play favorites? I said no, but it happens.
He is just sick of being blamed all the time and likes that we treat him and ss6 as equals. For his b-Day he asked if he could have a sleep over without ss6. So we called MIL, she is going to take ss6 for the night so ss8 can have a sleep over with his little friends and no annoying little brother.
We just don't know what else to do. I hate to say it but I kind of want to wait just so Ss8 will always remember why he came to live with us but at the same time I hope For his sake this is all just a phase that BM will out grow.
- SisterNeko's blog
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Valid points, I will share
Valid points, I will share with DH.
Ss8 has seen a therapist in the past, for anxiety and depression among other things. It hard to get him in regularly during the school but DH wants to set him up to go more during the summer, with BM's blessing of course but I imagine she is having issue with him as well, she just doesn't admit it other than to say he was acting 'weird' this week. Because you are right she is the mother and ss8 needs to learn to cope/adjust to her. He really struggles to talk about his feelings and I think if DH explains that to the therapist maybe she can work with him on ways to effectively express himself and stand up for himself. I am not saying BM will change but if ss8 no longer just sits back and takes it she may pick her battles better. She hates to be hated but currently thinks nothing is wrong because nothing gets said. And I think it ultimately needs to come from ss8.
It also not right and I shouldn't make excuses for DH's behavior but I think he says those things just to let ss8 know that his is wanted. We don't send him to BM's simply to get rid of him because we need a break from him. He has suggested as much in that past and I fear that he has heard that from BM, again that is her prerogative as to what she shares with or allows ss8 to over hear her say, but not the case with us. We require no break from him or ss6. They go to BM because she is mom and needs to see them too.
I can see where Echo is
I can see where Echo is coming from and that if you were to get custody they'd still have to have visitation with BM, but I've seen the damage that parents openly favouring one kid over another can do. I have 3 ss's who live with us full time. The reason dh got custody was that the court decided that bm was emotionally abusive and unstable and was not fit to have them full time. One of the many horrible things she did was openly favour middle ss over older ss. Older ss who is now 17 was yelled and sworn at every day, called stupid, smacked round the face and told he was a bad kid and useless, while middle ss who is now 11 was the golden child who could do no wrong. Everything was older ss's fault. Older ss was blamed for everything - if she left them in a room together for a minute and middle ss cried it was always older ss's fault, older ss was expected to look after middle ss and then younger ss when he came along and she continued blaming, ignoring and abusing older ss till dh and bm split when he was 9.
As a result, ss17 has had a lot of problems with self esteem, confidence and social skills and has a history of poor results and poor behaviour in school, a tendency to bully his younger brothers, particularly ss11 and for a long time he was unbelievably jealous and couldn't bear the thought that younger ss's were getting any privileges or treats and he might miss out. This was so bad it got to a point of him having huge tantrums if younger ss's went to bed 10 minutes after their bedtime and he demanded he also got 10 an extra minutes, when he was about 12 I remember him openly crying in a shop because we let younger ss's choose what flavour ice cream we were going to buy and loads of other extreme behaviour over petty stuff. He just had to play with their toys as he didn't seem to be able to cope with them having anything of their own, interfered with their games and seemed for a long time to have the emotional age of his younger brothers despite there being a big age gap. He told a child psychologist at about 8 years old that he wanted to kill himself which was documented in the custody case and the report was clear that he was emotionally fragile and very damaged by bm's treatment of him.
He is now starting to grow up a bit and is doing really well in college, though will always have issues with self esteem. He can be loud, obnoxious, selfish and still speaks to his brothers like crap, dh says in exactly the same way that bm used to speak to him. DH sometimes corrects it but quite often seems oblivious which really pisses me off. He can also be funny, thoughtful and hardworking and seems to be doing more of this lately. I was fully expecting him to get into trouble with the police and/or be on drugs/alcohol, getting girls pregnant and getting into fights, but so far he's managed to keep out of major trouble, probably because dh has told him that if he ever does anything like that he'll be going straight to live with bm whether he likes it or not.
The funny thing now is that ss11 is also growing up and is starting to see his mother for what she really is. He was for a long time her little puppet and was totally brainwashed by her, doing everything she said and believing all her lies, but now his attitude towards her is changing and he's definitely not under her spell anymore. He also had behaviour problems which were a direct result of bm but now he's growing up he's changed from a moody, withdrawn kid to a confident, clever kid who's great to have around and we're sure it's because bm's hold over him has been broken. She tried to brainwash ss10 but he's too attached to his dad and to strong willed and smart to believe all her crap. One day she'll get hers when none of them want to bother with her anymore. SS17 already has very little to do with her and I reckon the others will follow suit eventually.
That has been our experience of what can happen when one kid is openly favoured over another. What she's doing is emotional abuse and will certainly have a bad effect on your older ss and probably on the younger one eventually as well. Whether you apply for custody is a big decision and you probably would have to have them both as I can't imagine a court splitting them up (I know that was a big thing with our case, that the three had to stay together). It sounds like you're doing your best in making both boys feel loved and wanted, and I think doing more "grown up" things with your older ss without the younger one around is a great idea and will give him a feeling that he matters just as much as his brother at your house. We did those kind of things with oldest ss when the younger two were with bm and I think it did do him good to have a bit of time with us uninterrputed by the demands of smaller children.
Whatever you decide to do, I hope something can be done to stop bm's abusive behaviour - she's hurting her kids and sounds like a real bitch.
I am not sure that she is a
I am not sure that she is a bitch so much as an idiot. Just before DH and I got married she e-mailed me some line of BS about how hard it was dealing with the boys and how we should all be friends. I explained to her why that would never happen (the friend thing), explained how easy the kids were to actually take care of and suggested to her that she babies SS6 too much. Her response was that she had her reasons do doing what she does, not that I would ever understand it. And she was right I still don't get it.
It doesn't help that she thinks SS6 is 'special needs', he was diagnosed at age 3 with Autism but it has been suggested a few times since then by teachers, a therapist and even his new pediatrician that they may have been wrong but BM is dragging her feet about getting him retested. DH is waiting for the right time to push for it. With an IEP coming up and an annual check up, I think he wants to see what they say about SS6 now.
But having said that they had SS8 tested for ADHD last year, it was suggested that he not only has ADHD but Autism as well. They haven't got him tested for it yet, BM is not concerned about it.
Personally I think both kids suffer from lack of social interactions. AT BM's house they watch TV and play video games all the time. They don't play with other kids, a side of each other.
SS8 goes through phases. There for awhile he was really mean to SS6 and then he was overly protective of him, now he is just sort of indifferent.
DH and I are currently trying to have a baby and SS8, whom I am pretty close to, asked me the other day who was going to take care of him once I get pregnant. I laughed and said 'ME'. I told him pregnancy doesn't change anything, I am still the mom of the house - step or other wise, I will take care of all the 'kids', including our 3 cats (fur children). So i think he has concerns that I will turn into BM when/if we have a baby, not realizing that I am NOT her and completely capable of loving/caring for more than one child. I can be logical and fair.
We have a similar issue. BM
We have a similar issue. BM favors SD9 and mistreats SS8 (calls him names etc). We would like to get full custody but SS hasn't said he doesn't want to go with BM. He cries to us about her but doesn't want to be without SD9. DH has taken same approach - telling SS8 that if he doesn't want to go with his mom to tell him and he'll talk to judge about. I spoke to my therapist recently and she the same advice as Echo - to teach him how to handle the situation while with BM and not to add to him thinking he doesn't have to go to BM. Also that no matter ehat BM would still get visitation. We are torn with this situation because we want SS8 to be treated fairly and want him with us but not sure either what judge would say and not sure of the age the kids need to be to make a decision like this. We thought it was 8 in our state. Anyway sorry I couldn't be of much help since I'm dealing with a similar situation but hope it becomes less u settling for both of us. I really despise these BMs who cause so much torment.
It's nice to know that it's
It's nice to know that it's not just us dealing with this issue, not that I would wish it on another child after seeing what it has done to SS8.
I can't imagine treating a child like that let alone your own child. SS8 looks and acts like her too boot. You would think he would be her favorite based on that alone or at the very least at Least SS8's equal.
I have also had to explain to SS8 - who hangs on me non-stop - that my love for his father (DH) is different than my love for him after he got insanely jealous of me kissing, hugging, sitting on DH, ect. He just wants to be loved.
Our BM used to be big into
Our BM used to be big into bribery and as you said Ss8 wanted to go there and couldn't wait to see what she got him but as I predicted that Dollar Store and/or little kids stuff no longer excites him. He has expensive tastes as hobbies now. We don't buy them much unless it's Xmas or birthday. The occasional random gift here and there but we also go for the nice items that he seems to enjoy.
Since BM favors Ss6 most of her gifts and surprises are heard for his age group while ss8 is starting to mature. So I could see it as a Phase.
Ss8 also admitted to us recently that he does not like BM's hubby. He claims that he is mean to him and yells at him all the time but having said that ss8 is a emotionally sensitive child so his definition of yelling isn't the same as mine and 'all the time' I doubt that, I don't thin he is actually around that much. But DH is going to keep an eye on it and ask around a little at work, they work in the same place to see if he can get the hubby's side without asking him directly but he will do that too if need be.