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Inquring minds

SisterNeko's picture

I have always encouraged SS8 to ask me anything and have always tried to answer him open and honestly. Lately his questions... I don't want to say they concern me but they raise some questions of their own.

I know that most of it comes from his failing relationship with BM. She favors SS6 and SS8 is starting to realize that more and more, it helps that she makes it painfully obvious. She wants less and less to do with him or so it seams. But at the same time she likes to make digs at me being a SAHM, I have come to believe that she really wants me to get a job.

SS8 informed me the other day that the video game store in town in hiring and I should get a job there. I asked him who would watch him and he informed me that he was old enough to stay by himself. I laughed and pointed out all the things that she still requires help with, before telling him that I liked being home with him and SS6. I didn't want to go back to work.

any way the other day SS8 asked DH and I, "if we both got sick then who would take care of him?" We exchanged looks and said "We still would. Parents don't get sick days."

then yesterday I was laying in bed when SS8 came in he asked me "who was going to take care of him when I got pregnant?" (we have been trying for awhile and SS* knows that DH and I want a baby) I said, "Um... I would." I went on to explain that being pregnant didn't change anything, taking care of them and the house was still my 'job' as a SAHM.

He seems really concerned about being cared for. But I also know thanks to BM's need for DH to feel sorry for her, that she has been 'sick' for awhile now. First it was Lupus, then a blood disorder, now she might need Chemo. She doesn't look sick to me but whatever, I am starting to wonder if she takes 'sick' days from parenting, which is said because she only has them EOW, so in theory she gets every other week off from being a mom. Yet the last two weekends that she has had them she has sent SS8 - and just him not SS6 - to her mom's house. So sad.

The pregnancy question bothers me a little because BM can't have any more kids and I am not sure where he got the idea that pregnant women can't parent. She really should be commenting on what I can or can't do. But I also know that SS8 was 2 when SS6 was born so he might remember a little about how BM was when she was pregnant.

I guess if it comes up again i just need to ask him and sit down with him to explain that every woman and every pregnancy are different.


SituationalTourettes's picture

He might just be needing reassurance that he will still be a priority for you and DH once the baby comes and if there are any changes in the household. It's normal and it's good he can come to you and ask you what's on his mind.

It sounds like you are a very loving and caring SM and SS is very blessed to have someone like you in his life especially with his own mother being an idiot. Continue in the way you are going and just be open and honest with him. Keep reassuring him that you love him no matter what and you will really need his help with the new baby when it eventually shows. He just needs to feel wanted and supported. Lord knows what his schmuck mother is saying. Her actions are certainly speaking volumes.

SisterNeko's picture

Thanks. I try to be fair. I usually sit with him a few minutes at night before bed, we struggle with boundaries at times. He is very touchy feeling, clingy or whatever you want to call it but he is also chest high! lol. He is learning that it's not okay to bury his face in there or grab the 'girls'.

Now that you say that I can understand how he might be apprehensive about me having a baby. He might be concerned that I will turn into BM once baby gets here, cast hims aside and play favorites. He already 'lost' him room to the 'imaginary' baby but I explained to him that Baby will live here all the time not EOW like he and SS6 do and Baby will cry, a lot, in the beginning which is why baby can't share with SS6. If we had a bigger house (which we would love to move but can't afford to right now) then he could have his own room again.

Considering that he will be at least 9 (if not older) when baby got here, he could be a big help.

I am not BM and I have done things with SS8, just us because he is older and can do things SS6 can't (like see more mature movies) so I will have to continue that after baby. DH is aware of all of this too and is willing to take baby and SS6 as needed.