How do you step-mother a momma's boy?
I can't wait for SS8 to see the psychologist on the 24th, that kids has issues with an over attachment to his mother(IMO), depression, anxiety, attention and sleep. All of which drives me nuts because I am a SAHM and I have to deal with him. All in all he is a good kid, very sweet and loving.
SS8 and I have a good relationship for the most part. I am a lot harder on him than BM but I do more with him. But the bottom line is that he wants to be with her (and she doesn't want to be with him).
Sunday night when BM dropped the kids off (SS8 and SS6) SS8 appeared to be depressed and despite DH's effort nothing seemed to make him happy. SO we got them in the car and took them to the store with us as we were pulling up I pointed out to DH that BM and her hubby were walking in (it's a small town). We went in any way and SS8 of course had to use the bathroom as DH took him, while I was standing there with SS6 I saw BM and I am pretty sure she saw me. She had to have heard SS6 pouncing around and laughing but she turned and walked the other way. We continued our shopping and I saw BM a few more times all from a distance. I was waiting for the kids to see her but they didn't. DH also saw her a few times. I know she just got rid of them but you would think she would have said hi. NOPE. I still think that BM wanted the divorce because she didn't want to be a full time mom, she likes her week off. She has never threatened to go for full-custody or offered the boy a chance to live with her.
Monday we went for a walk and SS8 told me that he missed BM. I told him that she was at the store last night but he said he didn't see her. He also informed me that him, SS6 and BM are moving some day. Which I did know that BM and her husband have been looking at house (she moves about every 4 years)it's just funny that SS8 didn't say anything about his step-dad.
Tuesday Summer School started, BM offered to help with a bus issue but I had it under control. She txt'ed me later asking how it went and said "she was thinking about them today" I txt'ed back that it went fine and I was sure that she "thought about them every day." Her response was a "Yup".
Wednesday I took them to the library after summer school where I had to hear about how BM took them last week (I take them every week in the summer).
Thursday I took the kids to what I think was their first live theater performance at the local college, which happens to be where BM works. The first words out of SS8 mouth when we got there was if we could go see BM and I honestly thought about txting her to see if the boys could stop by and see where she works - because SS8 has no idea what she does. He thinks she is a teacher but she is an administrative assistant. But I didn't and I wish I would have now because apparently BM wasn't even there, her and her hubby where out looking at houses. (her husband works with DH and left work early telling their boss where he was going) Since SS8 doesn't think BM does anything when he is not there I would have loved to tell him other wise.
Every night when SS8 has to read he HAS to read by me. He HAS to sit by me at dinner. I finally broke him from hanging on me, I saw the other day him hanging on BM and she finally told him to get down he was too big after like 2 minutes. He just clings to me and I know it because when he is here I am his surrogate mother. And it's not that DH ignores him. DH loves him and wants to spend time with him but SS8 doesn't want DH (as much as BM). He doesn't seek out DH the way he seeks me out - yes some times I 'hide' from him or at least try to after DH gets home.
After they leave DH always sighs and says that he misses the boys, with a pause for me to chime in but I never do. I DON'T miss them I need a break. I kind of see why BM enjoys her week off so much BUT they are not my kids and I don't feel the attachment to them that she SHOULD. Plus she created these 'monsters". She is NEEDY and CLINGY with them so yeah they act like her.
Sadly I have had this conversation with DH a few times and it starts out with him trying to do more but pretty soon it's back to this. I am hoping that since SS8 will be in the parent meeting with BM that the Psychologist sees something between them that he questions later during his 2 hours alone with SS8. I got invited as well and I plan to say something if no one else does that SS8 is VERY attached to his mother and how he acts around me when BM is not there.
Fingers crossed that we get SS8 some what sorted out after that appointment.
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