Medical Appointment Update
So I go for my "trans-vaginal" ultrasound, always pleasant :sick: and then nervously sit in the waiting room with DH for the doctor to call us in to go over lab results and ultrasound.
I have never met the doctor; I usually go see the midwife for my yearly checkups (and she is wonderful.) The doctor, a middle aged male... was not so wonderful. On scale of 1-10 I would give his bedside manner a 3, and that is being nice.
He walked in, visibly rushed and said "so you trying to get pregnant?" I explained as quickly as possible that I wanted to know where I stand, I experience some pain, I do want kids eventually ...
He went on about how sometimes it is the man who has issues and it is easier to test the man. I cut in and asked about my results, seeing as though that is why I was sitting there?! He told me my prolactin level was slightly elevated, but he "isn't too worried about it" (never explained what that might mean) and that I have "a few" fibroids they will watch. Then he said it appears I have a heart shaped uterus (DH smiles and says AWW how cute... I wanted to knock him out).
So he grabs a pen and draws a "regular" uterus and 2 "heart shaped" ones. The first one, he says, is "severe" and these unlucky few generally cannot carry to term and experience miscarriages. The less severe "heart" can be fixed with surgery, or in some cases women do not get it corrected at all and still go on to have pregnancies - with a slightly higher incident of premature babies. But they cannot tell me much about my weird uterus because the ultrasound doesn't give a good enough picture. I would need "further testing."
Then he basically threw us out the door, with a cup for DH to ejaculate in for an analysis, and told me to buy ovulation kits and hope for the best when I am ready to try for a pregnancy.
I wasn't sure if I should be relieved or petrified? Very confusing. I went home and googled "high prolactin," "fibroids" and "heart shaped uterus."
The cherry on top: Moments after we get home SS calls and DH shouts "MY SWEET BOY IS CALLING; I LOVE MY BOY." I actually said to myself, and thank goodness he did not hear me, "I don't give a f@ck about your bobble head son." Resentment reared its ugly head... not nice.
- AJanie's blog
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thanks for the update AJ yeah
yeah you are normal... DH might have slow stupid swimmers lol......
I'm not sure about the shape of your uterus, never read up on it, but the fibroids - nothing serious, my sonar showed it as well last year, that's what's causing the menstrual pains in the side, feels like some one is ripping you apart, they sort of burst and heals... you will see it in the discharge as well, when they burst.. does not happen every month - oh I had a female doctor, been with her the past 8 years and she's exactly like your male doctor...
I simply decided eff off lady I'm never coming in again
Thanks for caring enough to
Thanks for caring enough to ask, Acra!
I hate it when people go to
I hate it when people go to hospital and never updates, I'm curious lol....
just stop stressing about getting pregnant, if you really want a child, drop BC (these things causes most of fibroids) and get pregnant... it's easy to raise a kid alone..
yes yes I know people will rip me apart now, I give a dang...
I called my friend afterwards
I called my friend afterwards and she also immediately suggested a second opinion. I told DH I want to take a few months to just breathe and continue my focus of getting to a better place, personally and in the relationship, and then revisit this...
I have fibroids and I think
I have fibroids and I think it depends on where they are. When I first found out from my OBGYN I asked basically how does this affect my over all health? Because of where mine are and my AGE (I'm old mid 40's) fertility and getting pregnant could be a issue. For me not a concern since I have 2 kids and I have no interest in having any more.
I would go for a second opinion and ask questions about where the fibroids are, and about the heart shaped uterus.
Thank you! I am still
Thank you! I am still hopeful it can happen for me, although it is very, very scary. Fear of the unknown.
I will be more selective with my doctor next time, absolutely.
I know... I will try. Google
I know... I will try. Google is the devil! I am such a googler. My history is embarrassing
There's a picture of me while
There's a picture of me while I was still in labour at home - the midwife was checking me, my husband was sitting on the bed beside me, the midwife-in-training was looking on, the doula took the picture, and the CAT chose that moment to try to cuddle with the midwife while she was, you know... busy.
LOL - high school marching
LOL - high school marching band.
I Google EVERYTHING. Once I've googled the symptons to the moon and back and am convinced I have THE worst possible diagnosis, it's always a relief to find I have a much lesser illness.
I prefer to be prepared for the worst. :O
I have not. I am just
I have not. I am just starting to gather the courage to enter the world of fertility and babies. I am taking little tiny steps. I do have a great plan through work though and will be looking into it.
I don't know if you are
I don't know if you are willing to travel, but there's an excellent fertility center in FL that I would recommend. Nothing like what you described. They are very careful, test you both, and have a solid success rate.
If you are interested, I'll send you a pm with their information.
At the moment we wouldn't
At the moment we wouldn't travel but I would not exclude that as an option in the future!
Did he say "heart shaped" or
Did he say "heart shaped" or bicornuate? I have a bicoruate uterus, but it is only slightly bicornuate and more of a heart shape. Also tilted. They should do an MRI to know for certain about the shape. Often it is diagnosed as it in an U/S, but an MRI or a 3D ultrasound gives a better idea about the severity or if it even exists.
Both of my pregnancies went 2 weeks past the due date and I had zero early contractions.
Definitely find a second opinion. There are obs who are much more knowledgeable about this that can give you a better picture of what is going on.
He said "heart shaped" but at
He said "heart shaped" but at the same time admitted it was "hard to tell" much about how misshapen it was :?
I would ask for an MRI. If
I would ask for an MRI. If you do get pregnant and want an IUD after, they will make you have one to determine whether you can have an IUD anway. And it would be worth the peace of mind.