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Her Jr Prom

sickofher's picture

Jr Prom has arrived! I have taken the weekend off work, there is a 400$ pink gorgious princess gown in a plastic case hanging on the door frame in my smoke free and cat shit smelling free house, and every single detail is planned out, from her first eyebrow waxing to her first updo, to her pictures. We are going to the paternal grandmothers house and I have made the event so huge that her aunt and both uncles are driving into town just to see her get ready and spend the day with her before the big event! I am sitting in my home the night before and I call her and inform her that number 1 she has to be bathed and at her grandmothers by 10 AM, and two she is too have no black fingernail polish on, she would not be wearing socks with her shoes..... yes it was that bad, and that she needed to go to bed early as it was going to be a very long day and night for her! Only to be told that it was not big fucking deal, and that she would get there when she wanted to, and she was GOING to wear black with this pastel dress and do her own makeup!!
Ummmm, nope I dont think so! "Your not my mother" (have ya all ever heard that line before! HAHAHAHAHHA)
Well ya got that right sister, I am NOT your mother for if I was you would have earned half that dress, your mouth would be glued shut and your dumb ass would have SOME sort of fashion sense! ..... but I didnt say that.
Instead I just assured her that her dress was at my house and if she didnt do it the way I WANTED she would be going naked! And if she was a min late I would get back in my car and drive my happy ass back to my town with the dress and everyone could kiss my ass!
She showed up on time, the family sat and ate and watched as she turned from town nerd into a respectable young lady, and as my biodaughter, and her sister and I painstakenly hand painted silver glitter gel on the side of every curl on her head, she finally started showing some glimmer of hope. If you could have seen the look on her face when she was finally able to see herself any person that calls themselves a mother would have cried! My boyfriend HAD to work, no ifs ands or buts about it, so I had her uncle place the delicate corsage upon her wrist that had six pink flowers (one from me, my boyfriend, my three kids and her sister) and a single white rose, that I said was from her mother.
I loved her so much in that moment and KNEW that she was going to have the night of her life! I was proud and happy and thrilled! And I knew that the min she walked into her school and all those people that had never seen her before were going to be in shock!
I stayed at the boyfriends that night, and in the morning in great anticipation we waited for her to come home. And she did, with a new friend, and a smile that would scare the rays off the sunshine. I made her something to eat, and she slept!
But it was so short lived.....


sickofher's picture

She is a down right border line evil little shiznit I am telling you! Even my husbands family finds it hard to deal with her! It gets so much funner trust me! I have had years of this stuff and none of it good! But I am still going strong! As I said I think I was in DESPERATE need of this place!

sickofher's picture

nope she was sober, and yes brought home the cousin of a classmates that escorted his cousin for fun
THANK GOD we have no drinking or drug or law issues at all!

sickofher's picture

you kind of make me giggle, not in the that is funny sense, but more in the that was just the first year sense! Yeah she is a charactor for sure, but she has just improved with age, up to the most recent little episode that about blew my marriage apart!
But I think I have won, I just really really really dont like her any more and need a place to just put it out as it happened! VENT about it, and at least get some input on whether I have done the right thing or I am the bitch I am made out to be!

sickofher's picture

your making it hard to do this in chronological order! I am telling you it is one of those build up kind of things! LOL I can only type so fast!!!!! Smile

LizzieA's picture

I enjoyed reading your account of helping her transform into a beauty! How sweet of you, especially the six flowers! She is so lucky to have you in her life.